Chapter 2: The calm before a storm

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No one's POV

When Hoseok opened the door, he found their manager, Sejin hyung, impatiently standing at the door.
"What took you guys so long?" I was waiting by the van, but since you guys took 30 minutes more than the time I gave you, I had to come here.
Everyone mumbled a sorry and tried to give excuses. Sejin hyung just said it's ok and they started walking towards the car park.

Taehyung's POV

I sighed... Today, Bang PDnim was supposedly going to give our annual report. It may sound like a normal report, but for all 7 of us, this report meant a great deal. It shows how much we have improved and how much we have supported the team.
I was pretty sure Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung would have a lot of good stuff on their reports because they wrote almost all of the songs in their albums that year.
Hoseok hyung will obviously have a lot of positive comments about his dance and how he helped create the choreography for most of our songs.
Jungkook, being the maknae and the main vocal, had improved a lot in his singing and had also started to rap alongside Namjoon hyung, Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung.
Jimin, well, he practiced so hard this year, I'm pretty sure he has had the most drastic improvement out of us all.
Jin hyung has also improved so much in his singing. It was clearly visible when last week he hit the high notes in his solo song so effortlessly.
And then there's me... I gave a deep sigh... What had I done this whole year? I did a solo song but that was about it. I don't remember our dance teacher, SungDeuk hyung, hadn't really praised me and why would he? I hadn't done anything other than just the regular dance practices.
I was in such a deep thought that I didn't see Yoongi hyung stopping in front of me and I bumped right into him.

Yoongi's POV

I felt someone walk right into me. Urgh... Could this day get any worse? My lazy brain thought as I turned around and saw Taehyung, looking at me, a weird look on his face.
"Ya, do you want to die or something?" I said, lazily.
Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts and slightly bowed his head and said sorry.
Aisshhh this kid. When he says sorry like that, I don't even feel like staying mad. We reached the car park and got into our van.

No one's POV

They arrived at the Bighit Entertainment building and soon, they were hustling towards Bang PDnim's office. A man was waiting for them with a bunch of files on his table.
"Hi guys. Y'all know what day it is right?" Bang PDnim said, enthusiastically. "You get your annual reports." He had a huge smile on his face. The members were relieved when they saw he was happy.

Jungkook's POV

Finallyyyyyyy!!! It's report day. Why didn't the hyungs tell me??? I would have worn something good rather than this overall. Bang PDnim took the first file and opened it.
"Kim Namjoon, you have done amazing work this year. I am so proud of you." "Kim Seokjin, your vocals have improved drastically, or so I heard. Hopefully you will let me hear it too." Jin hyung blushed. He was visibly proud of himself. Bang PDnim have positive comments for Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung and Jimin hyung.


Did I hear right? Did PDnim call out my name and not TaeTae hyung's? I looked over at TaeTae hyung. He didn't seem surprised and was looking at his feet.
PDnim continued, "Your vocals have always been great. But I believe this time, you have shown how much potential you truly have. Let's try something new next time. Maybe get you to do a full rap song or maybe a solo dance performance."

I was so happy when I heard this. All the members nodded in agreement. All except TaeTae hyung who was still busy looking at his feet. I felt sorry for him. Why would PDnim not give his report before mine?
I looked up when I heard PDnim say, "And lastly, Taehyung."
A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger ending. I don't even know how I'm gonna get to the main story from how the story is going right now. Guess I'll just have to see how it goes. 🤓🤓 Hope you guys like it.

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