Laura Hollis [Carmilla] x Lawerence! Female Reader

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~Your POV~

Danny and I recently just adopted a pet kitten for our new apartment that we shared. Danny felt bad for always leaving me alone so she thought that a pet would keep me company. We agreed to name him Jelly Bean. 

I was cuddling Jelly Bean on the couch while Danny was working on homework. Carmilla and Laura were coming over soon to look at our new pet cat. I was pretty excited to have Laura over since I've had a crush on her ever since Danny introduced us.

"So, when are you gonna tell Laura about your little crush?" Danny teased as she went over to the couch then sat down next to me. I blushed and glared at my sister, "Shut up." "Aww come on. I wanna know when Laura is gonna become my sister-in-law and when I can help plan for the wedding." Danny continued to tease. I stuck out my middle finger at her and said, "I'll ask her out when you ask Carmilla out." Her pale cheeks soon turn pink before she flicked me off in return.

It wasn't long till the two arrived. Laura squealed in excitement and quickly ran over then swooped the kitten from my arms. "Oh my god, aren't you the cutest." She cooed at the kitten and hugged it. The kitten meowed softly and purred against her as she scratched the kitten's chin. 

I looked over to see Danny and Carmilla talking to one another nervously and blushing a lot by the front door. I looked back at Laura who was sitting on the floor with the kitten. I thought she looked so adorable playing with the kitten and baby-talking with him. "What's his name?" She asked. "We named him Jelly Bean," I replied and went to sit on the floor in front of her.

"Isn't he cute, Laura? Does he remind you of (Y/N)?" Carmilla said. I blushed and glared at the vampire as she smirked at me. "Yep. They're both so cute and cuddly." Laura said and smiled at me. I felt my cheeks grow hotter as I looked down embarrassed.

I saw out of the corner of my eyes, Danny and Carmilla walking into the kitchen. I saw that Laura scooted closer to me with the kitten still on her lap. "She's not wrong though. You and Jelly Bean have a lot alike. You're both cute. You're both playful. And cuddly. And I just wanna hug the both of you all the time." She said. I felt my cheeks grow even hotter and my heart began to race.

The kitten meows and jumped off her lap to explore the apartment. I was left with Laura who kept smiling at me and looking at me with a dream-like expression. I shift embarrassed under her gaze and cleared my throat. "Is there something on your mind?" I asked. "Yea, you." She replied. I squeaked in embarrassment and quickly looked away. She chuckled and scooted closer until I felt her knees touch mine since we were sitting with our legs crossed.

"You know, there's something on your face." She told me. "What? Where?" I asked and quickly wiped my face, already embarrassed by how she was talking to me. "This," she said and leaned in then placed a kiss on my cheek.

I felt my chest explode as my face turned red. I felt my ears go hot and I was sweating on the spot. "I'm sorry, did I go too far?" Laura said with a frown. "No! N-No! Not at all!" I stuttered and gulped nervously. "I-I wasn't expecting that, that's all. I-It wasn't bad or anything!" I nervously stuttered out.

Her nervous expression quickly melted into an amused one. "So you liked it when I kissed your cheek?" She teased. I felt my stomach do flips as I hid my face behind my hands. "Yea..." I mumbled against the palms of my hands, refusing to remove them from my face.

She chuckled softly and found a slight opening between my arms then reached in between to get a hold of my chin. "Well if you like it there, I think you'll like it a lot more here." She said and kissed my lips.

I let out a small squeak and kissed back almost on instinct. The kiss felt so welcoming and warm. She pulled away and looked into my eyes, making me stutter again. "Wh-Why did you kiss me?" I asked nervously, still feeling her lips tingle on mine.

"Because I like you." She said with a smile. I smiled back brightly before launching myself at her and hugging her tightly. "I like you too! I liked you for so long but I've been too nervous." I finally told her, feeling a weight being lifted off my chest.

"Well good," She said and kissed my nose. I grinned and quickly stood up. "Let's tell Danny and Carmilla. They've been teasing me so long about my crush." I told her and helped her up. "Really? Me too!" She said. We both laughed and made our way to the kitchen.

"Danny! Carm! Guess what ha-" I was cut off when I saw the scene in front of me. Carmilla and Danny were making out in our kitchen with Carmilla sitting on the counter and Danny standing in between her legs. Both their shirts were off already and Danny quickly covered Carmilla with her own body. "Knock when you fucking come in dweeb!" She shouted.

I quickly covered Laura's eyes and glared at Danny, "There's no fucking door to the kitchen, you fucking giant beanstalk! And instead of me fucking knocking, how about you not fuck in our kitchen. I make food on that counter goddamnit! Now I have to disinfect it!" 

"Just get out, you fucking gremlin!" She glared. I rolled my eyes and quickly led Laura away from the tragic scene.

At least we both got our feelings out but really man? Right in the kitchen where we make the food?!

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