Chapter Ten: Luca

Start from the beginning

"Sure. Sure, I might as well."

The babysitter led me in as I left the front door slightly ajar so it would be easier for them to break in. While they snuck in I distracted the girl before me, stepping into role.

"Oh. His bedroom door is locked, I s'pose he didn't want intruders so I'll just check anything that needs cleaning. That okay?"

Carelessly, she shrugged going off into the kitchen instead. Some babysitter. Anyone could come in here.

"Good work, Luc. We'll go find the girl," Jordan whispered, patting me on the back. They headed to the bedrooms upstairs while I decided to head to the games room. The suite was big, an actual two-floored suite that was like a house built in an apartment style.

There I found a little blonde-haired girl playing on a PS4, matching the description of the kid we needed to get. It was obvious, every child would stay in a high-tech games room if they had the chance. She turned as I came in. "Who are you?" Her tiny English voice was laced in curiosity and I crept up to her quietly.

"Listen Paris. You need to hide now."

"Why? We're not playing hide and seek, are we?" Her tiny face scowled at the thought, "I don't like that game."

"Well uh," How to put this? "Sort of. There's these people that are trying to kidnap so they're seeking and you need to hide or you'll never see your friends or family again."

"How do you know?"

A sigh slipped my mouth. She asked a lot of questions. "Because I came with them."

"So why should I trust you?" Paris folded her arms at me.

Being the good guy was trickier than I thought so I thought of how I should approach a little, naïve child. The image of programmes like Barney popped into my head giving me an inspiration.

"Hi I'm Luca, the good guy. Do ya wanna be my friend?"

Her big brown eyes looked at me with a funny look in them. "I don't know. Maybe."

"Good. Now we need to go hide you before they come."

We snuck upstairs through a stairway linked from the games room to the bedroom landing.

"Hey Luca!" I shoved Paris into a closet as Jordan and Kyle came up behind.

"Oh hey guys." Casually, I leaned on the closet door.

"Have you found anything yet?" Kyle asked in a threatening voice or maybe it was just the fact that he had one of those dangerous, grizzly-bear voices.

"No. No yet unfortunately," I replied pretending to be disappointed.

Jordan shook his head, his brown dreadlocks flying as he did so. "Well, we need to keep looking then. See ya."

Once they were out of sight, Paris flew out the closet.

"You lied. I was right here," she moaned.

"Yeah but they couldn't know that because they'd kidnap you," she finally got the gist. "Now come along."

"We're in my daddy's room?"

"Yeah. Its closest to the trees outside. I'm placing you in a basket that I'll lower you down into. There's a balcony that leads to the guest floor where you'll run to"

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Not as bad as these men."

"Okay," Paris bit on her tiny nails as I got her into the basket.

"You'll go onto the balcony and take the basket away when I give the signal, um do you know anyone here?" I questioned her just remembering other strange creeps could be there.

"Yeah! My mum's friends will be at the guest party downstairs so I'll see her."

That assured me as I gave her a stuffed pony that she responded to as 'Mr. Stuffy-kins'. I was lowering her onto the balcony when Kyle burst in. "What are you doing, Luca?"

"Umm, checking if Raj has seen anything from outside."

"Right," he started towards me.

"Ouchhh!!!" I yelled as Paris nodded at me and cut the rope connected the basket.


"Oh. A wasp just stung me. Damn thing," flicking away the rope like it was a wasp was the smart thing to do. Kyle headed to the window before moving away like he was annoyed.

"Nothing there. Come on and stop wasting time."

A sweat drop crawled down my head. Whew, she got away.

Yet I forgot one thing. A woman's voice cried out in pain from downstairs. Kyle stepping in front of her and the boys.

"She still says that the girl was here," explained Dean.

"You're lying or she escaped."

"Please I'm not. She was here, I swear on my life," the babysitter begged. Tears ran down her flushed face.

"Either way you've wasted our time, girl," growled Kyle while grabbing a black thing from his apron.


* * * *

We all left the hotel in disappointment of a failed mission, deciding to ditch the hotel staff uniforms by burning them and leaving no evidence behind. In the car was worse, it was tense mainly because of the so-called, blonde leader who had major Killer Intent radiating from him.

He slammed the car door as he got out and we followed behind. "Damnit, we are dead meat," Dean complained as we made our way to the office.

I wondered why as even Jordan went quiet and Raj was sweating like a pig.

"Ahh, boys you're back." The boss' voice seemed light before darkening like a change in season. "Where is she?"

Everyone looked at each other wondering who'd talk before Kyle took the head role of the group.

"Sir. We- We failed you. The girl escaped."

He got up from his chair with a calm face that unnerved me.

Slap!! Kyle's head recoiled back from the impact of the boss' hands against his face. He clutched his cheek still standing in the same spot with a passive look on his face.

"You all failed! Do you know how much profit, I have lost from this?! All of you will take the consequences like as if it were water in the heat and none of you will be PAID! Understand??"

"Yes sir," we chorused in fear.

"GET OUT!!!! NOW!!!!" He screamed going red in the face.

Never had I seen him like this at all, I thought when someone shoved me against the wall.

"I never fail so this is not what I will take!"

"Well there's a first time for everything. What's it got to do with me? I didn't do anything."

"Exactly! You didn't do anything beneficial to the mission. Second mission with you and now my first failure." Kyle leaned near my face invading my man-bubble. "Don't you ever let me catch you slipping up again. I don't care if you're a newbie because I've worked my ass off to get to this position! Got it?"

"Yeah, I-" He shoved me away letting me hit the rough wall again. He really was something that guy.


[A/N: Here's a picture of Kyle on the side. Love ya guys out there, keep reading, bring on the comments and don't forget to vote!


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