Chapter Five: Lina

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Chapter Five: Lina

"Wake up..Wake up," a soft voice echoed around me.

I shot up, my eyes wide in alarm."Where am I? What's going on?"

All of a sudden a pair of big outlined brown eyes stared back at me, making me feel uncomfortable. The girl leaned back so I could finally see clearly.

"You're here, silly. You arrived here just yesterday, remember?"

Flashing images played in my head. Gunshots, blood, screams, mom, dad, little Oscar, kidnappers. And sweet Isabelle, laying down in my arms while a pool of blood trickled around her like a barrier separating us.

It had all come back to me. All the events from yesterday as I looked up the girl before me. The Selene girl from yesterday now in light, her long dark hair fell in messy waves at her shoulders and her smile was bright and directed at me.

"You okay? I know it's not easy when you first get here especially in your case when you're well, kidnapped. I brought food for you," she said holding out a tray of food. Some purple grapes, a bowl of Lucky Charms and some milk.

I stared at the Lucky Charms more than I ate it, a bittersweet sense of nostalgia crept in me as I remembered the kids. They loved Lucky Charms and things like Coco Pops, I always ate Special K and a few pastries that my mum made and she went for the healthy choice. I don't get how she made so many delicious bakeries for her company and didn't end up snacking on most of it, I would.

When I finished eating, Selene looked at me. It was slightly unnerving as if she were studying me like I was an amazing new species! Her brown eyes followed me, hawk-like until I broke the silence.

"Okay, why do you keep watching me?," I snapped.

"Nothing. Nothing much at least, I'm just wondering what your story is."

I turned to her in question, "Whadd'ya mean story?"

Selene sighed at me. "Well everyone has a story here. Of how they got here"

"Including you?" She nodded curtly.

"I can tell you if you like? You see before all of this, I lived with my big brother and parents. I wanna tell you I was fine but its not the case and we should be candid with each other. My mum was a woman that suffered from post-natal depression ever since I was born and my dad was a working-class man with a drug addiction.

When I was around ten my mother committed suicide and eventually soon after my dad was caught hiding the drugs. We went into care until my grandma took us in and then things were fine.

I was soo stupid though. At fifteen, one day I stormed off because I think I was angry at my brother for not letting me live the way I wanted and on that day it was my downfall. A nice looking guy with dirty blond curls and sapphires for eyes approached me telling me how a, "pretty girl like you could earn money." I know you'd think how stupid I am but my rage blinded me as I went with him and as you can guess I never went back."

"I can't believe that. Wait, Cold Eyes took you here?"

Selene snapped out of her reverie and glanced at me. "Cold Eyes? Oh you mean Kyle."

"Yeah," I said quietly. So that was his name, "look I'm sorry about what happened."

Shrugging it off carefree, Selene just looked upwards. I thought to myself, wondering aloud.

"Haven't you ever tried to escape?"

"Of course I have. I hate this place so much! But everywhere you go its a dead-end, trust me, I've lived here for three years now. I tried to when I first came because once in a flipping blue moon, the boss allows us to go shopping for clothes or essentials, so like the freedom-craving child I was, I tried to run but.."

"But what?" I asked not liking how this would end.

"It didn't work, obviously. There are always bodyguards to follow you around and the boss is too smart to let any profit escape," she snarled, a distinct hate spread in her gaze as she mentioned him.

That was enough to tell me how she felt about the leaders here and I could tell I wasn't going like this place but I was beginning to like Selene. I thought about the other girls and how Selene wasn't there that time.

"Hey, what about the other girls?"

"They're okay. Some of them are complete sluts, some traumatised when they're new but I don't talk to them that much, why you talked to them?"

I nodded explaining about Amérie, Amethyst and the others leading her to smile. "Amérie. She's like the boss here. Out of everyone she's been here longest along with her younger sister Amethyst but I don't like her as much. 'Too much of a slut."

I couldn't argue about that point.

"Anything else?" I questioned her.

"Well, Amérie's second-in-hand girl is Cathy, a small brunette but she's alright. Then there's Zoë who is an absolutely adorable angel here. She's got your back if she likes you but don't worry, she'll look out for you"

Nodding gratefully at her small words of advice, I decided to make my bed when Selene left to get some more food or space, I think, while I got ready. Ready for today and the boss had better be prepared as I still wanted answers soon.


[Author's Note: I don't know what you guys thought about this chapter but I thought I might give you a little insight of Selene's life. Its relevant you'll see. Vote. Comment. Follow!!!!

This is my first story so any opinions you have or feedback you want to give is welcome with open arms and some constructive criticism too. VOTE!!! And thanks for reading so far.

Ta-ta! Nat]

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