Chapter Three: Lina

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Yay, first updates this year! Dedicated to my bestie, Melissa cause she's super sweet and crazy but I love her all the same.

Chapter Three: Lina

I woke up, my eyelids fluttering in laziness until I was wide awake. But wait, I opened my eyes and still all that filled my vision was darkness. Was I blind? Not knowing was freaking me out so I tried to raise my hands to my eyes to try remove the pressure off my eyes, only for them to be bound together.

Darkness accompanied me along the way along with the sound of voices. Men's voices. Most likely the ones who did tied up my hands and gave me this splitting headache.

Where were they taking me? Why not kill me too?

It didn't make sense at all and trying to work it out was literally killing my poor brain. There was no point in even finding out maybe; even if I could see and move both arms and legs, with these guys around I couldn't leave. Eventually, all I could do anymore was fall asleep.

* * * *

Next time I opened my eyes, shadows still filled my vision but along with five silhouettes.

"We're here!" one said, "get her Burt."

Only for this Burt-guy to lift me out the vehicle. I should have known when they said her they meant me.

Being carried should usually be exciting unless its by a random stranger/kidnapper.

We trudged, well they did, through the whispering, echoed halls, so endless I thought it'd never stop until we came across one mahogany door. Cold Eyes knocked at the door while we waited for the clearance to enter. Inside was an average height guy in a leather chair sitting at a desk identically coloured as the reddish-brown door. Creepily, his smile widened forcefully at our arrival, "Sit our guest down, boys." Burt hauled me down onto a chair as the man who I assumed was boss gestured for everyone except Burt and Cold Eyes to remain.

"Alina, my darling. How are you?"

"How do you think I am, you kidnap me and kill my family, then ask me that? I'm doing great!!" I spat sarcastically.

Smiling like a creepo-phile at me he only said, "Well that's good," just as sarcastic, "do you know why you're here?"

"Your men took me here?"

"Well yes that's obvious but that was only a side-affect, you see it has to do with your father. Your father being the great business man made tons of money but then one day he needed more as he was a tad short of cash for the business to flow — "

"Cut to the chase," I snapped, he was beginning to irritate me and I was already woken up so naturally I'd be cranky especially after that.

"Impatient much. Anyway, Alberto took a large loan from us as business partners but on a deal that he had to pay back on a deadline with 10% interest added."

That didn't sound like much, I mean dad had so many connections. Couldn't he get them to help out a bit?

"..Yet he did not. He was having money troubles and when we told him of the reprimands he made another stupid for him but lucky deal for us," he paused as if for added effect," his preposition was to exchange his eldest daughter. To save his own life and companies," my eyes widened, tears forming around them.

"You're lying! My dad would never do that!!"

"Ehh, take her away. We can discuss this in the morning when you're more, um, stable. Alina."

Banging on Burt's back as hard as I could, I struggled for freedom but alas my efforts were futile and I might as well have been a kid trying to beat up the Hulk. Burt's big, broad hands shoved me through a door as I stumbled into one bright room. The walls were a damp yellow like a sour-milk with orange swirly designs on the wallpaper (ugly) and slight, mossy-green decaying in the corners of the room. Its decor screamed out unkept and poverty at my eyes while the loud buzz in the room died upon my arrival.

Loads of different girls stared at me, their judging eyes making me feel so naked when I just wanted to cry my eyeballs out. Deciding that first impressions count, I narrowed my gaze to be just as hard and analytical. It could've gone on forever until one girl stepped forward, her peachy hair bouncing as she did so. The ginger one handed me a warm smile, turning to face the rest of the girls.

"C'mon girls! You're scaring her, why don't we give a big welcome?" she turned to me, "what's your name, hon?"

A huge lump the size of a rock formed in my throat as I replied, "Lina."

Her beaming could have lit up the night as she complimented my name but she was probably too nice to trust just yet. Little miss Sunshine here was called Amérie yet another strawberry blonde chic came strutting toward us frowning.

"Here's how it goes, you sleep with men to earn your keep here."

"What?!" I exclaimed in complete shock.

"Well what? Do you want to sleep with other chics instead.. If you're lucky the high-rated clients or disgusting, dirty men in other words without the sugar-coating, will give you more money, especially when you give a little more if you know what I mean," the blondie winked.

"Amethyst!" Amérie squeaked in alarm at the other ginger and now that I noticed them close-up, their appearances were really similar.

"What? I'm just helping her," Amethyst replied in defense, her arms were raised like a suspect in questioning.

"You know I'm a little tired right now"

"Of course, you must be. Well, we'll go now," Amérie herded everyone else off to bed while I stood clueless. There was a door and immediately it shouted 'Escape Route' to me.

I ran towards it only to be disappointed and end up in an alleyway that seemed to be a dead end. So much for that as I finally let everything sink down. My family were dead. And now this stupid, creep was telling me my dad was the whole cause. Tears streamed down my flushed face now I could let it flow, "Hey! You okay?" a voice called out.

Out of nowhere, a girl leapt off the shadowy wall as agile as a cat, her strides just as feline too like a model in a well catwalk. I wiped my tears and sniffed, "Yeah, just tired."

"You're lying but, I'll allow it," she held a hand out, "name's Selene."

I glanced down holding out my own hand, "Lina, just got here."

"I guessed," she said, "well you coming or not?"

My form faced her confused and she must have read it even in this dark for she dragged me inside to a small room including two beds. Selene sat on one, tossing me a random set of pajamas, "Night-night new room-mate!"

"Night," I replied letting myself fall back on the hard bed but I still wanted answers now.

Deciding to save my energy, I reluctantly drifted off to sleep to escape reality for a while.


[Author's Note: HAPPY NEW YEAR, FELLOW WATTPAD ADDICTS!! And I think this double update deserves some credit so don't forget to:
- VOTE!! ☆
- FAN!♡]

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