
John and Elizabeth were almost to the jumper bay when he glanced back at her. "I thought you said it was her day off."

Elizabeth nodded briskly. "It is, but I was informed she has been in the jumper bay since early this morning."

The doors hissed open. There was no sign of anyone in the bay. John frowned at Elizabeth but led the way inside.

"Kai?" Elizabeth called cautiously.

"Over here," came a muffled response.

They walked towards the voice and found Kai working on the very jumper that had nearly gotten John's team killed. She had the drive pods open and was laying on the ground beneath them with just her legs sticking out. She had a laptop with an array of cords coming out of it that connected to the inside of the jumper sitting next to a Lantian tool box.

"Kai," Elizabeth greeted.

Kai slid out from under the pod. John's eyes widened a little. He hadn't seen her in anything but the Atlantis uniform since she arrived. She wore a mechanics jump suit with the top hanging and arms tied around her slim waist.  A fitted, long sleeve black athletic shirt clung to her curves and flat stomach. John swallowed. He had known she was attractive, but until that very moment had forced himself not to notice. He dragged his eyes up to her face and refused to look anywhere else. There was a swipe of grease across one of her cheek bones, hiding the soft freckles. Her scarf was tied down snuggly around her hair so it would stay out of her way while she worked.

"Hello," Kai greeted in surprise. She hadn't expected to see both leaders of Atlantis. In fact she hadn't expected to see anyone. There were no off-world missions planned and almost all of the scientists including Zelenka were taking the day off.

"I thought it was your day off," Elizabeth said looking around the bay meaningfully.

Kai cleared her throat. She didn't remember anyone saying the day off was mandatory. "It is, but, well I don't sit still well and we still haven't worked out what exactly went wrong with the drive pod."

"Sounds like someone else I know," Elizabeth said wryly, glancing over her shoulder at John. John scowled at her playfully. "'Worst patient ever', that's a direct quote."

John shrugged unapologetically.

"That's right," Kai said turning to the Major. "How are you feeling Major?"

"Better," John said uncomfortably. "Thank you for your help with that."

Kai nodded, looking just as uncomfortable with the Major's gratitude as he was giving it.

Weir noticed and stepped forward, breaking the tension. "Kai, we won't keep you. But we wanted to talk to you about your time here on Atlantis."

Kai swallowed. This was it. She had honestly been allowed to stay longer than she had expected. She had been well for over two weeks now and knew it was just a matter of time before she would have to move on. She had somehow hoped if she just kept busy and made herself useful they would continue to overlook her presence.

The Major crossed his arms over his chest and she could see in his face he wasn't happy about this whole situation. She realized then there was no way this man would have overlooked her presence. She had screwed up too many times in front of him and now he considered her too much of a security risk. It was almost laughable. If they only knew what she was actually capable of. She was being condemned for being a simple mechanic with secrets. If they knew what she was she doubted they would let her go.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now