Sad SlyPKC/Slymus/SSoHFox Oneshot

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-<Always Have To Have An End>-

-<Word Count: 1220-ish>-

Seamus had noticed the new bursts of quiet that occupied the office lately. Dex was loud, but with Sly not here, the office didn’t feel right. It was too quiet. Too serious. But Seamus hoped with all his might that it would eventually feel right again.

He'd known what was happening. He had overheard a conversation that he probably shouldn’t have a couple of weeks ago. He had been devastated, but now time had dulled that pain to only a small aching.

Seamus had listened as Sly told Jordan that he was retiring from the Creatures.

He had stood still, shocked that Eddie, his Eddie, was leaving. Then he rushed out of the office as quietly and quickly as he could. He had just wanted to be left alone to try and sort out the raging storm of emotions collecting inside him.

As he drove back to Eddie and his shared apartment, he started tearing up. His outer shell of sarcasm was cracking, his emotions were showing. All throughout high school he had been bullied. This outer shell of showing no emotion and his sarcasm was the product of their efforts, but Eddie had been the one to crack it. He had broken through, and shown Seamus how it felt to really, truly love someone.

He parked the car and curled up, his knees tucked into his chest with his hands surrounding them. In just a few seconds, he collapsed and sat there sobbing into his hands. He wished he could have someone there to comfort him, but he knew that soon they would all be feeling the same pain. Plus he didn’t want to be the one to drop the bomb on them all. Sly would want to do that in his own time.

He glanced up at the clock. It read 12:43PM. Alright Seamus, he thought to himself, five more minutes of crying and feeling sorry for yourself. Then the walls go back up and you’ve got to start pretending everything is okay.

After those five minutes passed, he made a few halfhearted swipes at his eyes with his sleeve, sniffling every now and then. When he was completely calm again, he walked inside the apartment and fixed himself some lunch for an excuse as why he left. He really didn’t want to go anywhere at the moment, but he knew it would be best for them all [himself included] if he went back and faced the music.

Roughly thirty minutes later he was hopping into his car and driving back to the office again, all traces of crying gone. He was going to have a productful rest of the day. Maybe even record a little bit since the after-crying shake and stutter was gone from his voice.

He parked the car in the office parking lot for the second time that day, and exited the car. Locking it, he walked inside the building and up the flight of stairs into the Creature Office. As he strolled casually back through the door [pretending like he hadn’t been gone for over an hour that afternoon], he didn’t hear any of the noisy chatter and yelling that was usually going on. Instead he heard quiet sobbing sounds from the stream room, and quiet comforting murmurs after that.

Most likely Aleks and James had just heard the news. He sighed and made his way into his office, turning on the light. Puppy Chef was curled up in the corner of his office, and there in his chair was one sleeping Slyfox. He sighed, and turned off the light. No recording today I guess. Just as he was about to close the door again, Sly woke up.

“Seamus, is that you?” he asked. He had set his glasses aside to sleep, so now as he put it, ‘Couldn’t see for shit.’

“Yeah, it’s me. What do you need Sly? Or did you decide to follow Puppy Chef and take a nap with her?” he remarked sarcastically. Pretend like everything's okay. Everything is okay, Seamus, he reminded himeself.

“Yup!” Sly replied, his golden giggle sounding afterwards. “I couldn’t let one of my two favorite people sleep alone!” His face darkened at that, probably remembering the reason he was here. The reason I knew about. I decided to just be blunt and get to the point.

“We’re both going to have to be sleeping alone soon. I know you’re retiring the Creatures and leaving soon. I accidentally overheard a bit of you and Jordan’s conversation. Also you’ve left Aleks in tears. James is comforting him though, so I know he’ll be fine.” I said this all in a flat emotionless tone, but my eyes were starting to tear up. I knew my emotions were going to break through eventually.

Sly just stared at me, his face a mix of shock and sadness.

“I’m sorry Seamus.” He finally said. “It’s just for the greater good of my family. I really can’t support my mamá from half way across the country. We’re going to move to Florida. That’s where my sister lives. You know how important family is to me!” he was in tears now. “I’m just sorry Seamus. I know how much this probably hurts you and I’m sorry.”

Sly stood up and hugged me. I dug my face into his neck, just inhaling his calming, spicy smell and willing myself not to cry. To stay strong and keep up my emotionless mask. To try and help Sly through this. It wasn’t working though. Slow silent tears began to slide out of my eyes and soak through the shoulder of his shirt. He nuzzled his face into my hair and I felt some of his tears drip onto my head. I leaned up and slowly, softly kissed him, tears still falling down both of our faces.

“I would ask you not to go, but I know that’s impossible.” I half whispered. “I know how much this means to you, and how hard it’s getting to support your mom. I understand your reasons, but I really can’t stand the thought of you leaving me alone here.” I went back to his shoulder again, hiding my tear filled face.

“You know I wouldn’t leave you if I didn’t have to, baby. This is just how it has to be.” He whispered back, his head resting over top of mine. “I love you Seamus.”

“I love you too Eddie.” I responded, leaning into this comforting yet undeniably sad embrace we had created.

That’s how we stayed for the rest of the afternoon, just standing there, reflecting on memories and swaying to the beat of a song that wasn’t playing. I was truly in love with this man. This wonderful, hyper, absolutely gorgeous man that had been in my life for so long, I had taken him for granted.

I didn’t want to let him go, but I knew in my heart that I had to. 

Why do good things always have to have an end?

Why can they never last?

-<And Oneshot End>-

Sorry. The sad SlyPKC feels hit me and I had to write this. This isnt very good at all, but I decided to post it anyways because nobody really reads this so I have nothing to lose.

Alright. I'm gonna head out now.

Luv 2 U All!!!


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