Birthday, Derps, and School

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I accidentally read one of my book titles in my bedroom as 'The Art of Spanking' instead of 'The Art of Speaking'. It's a book that teaches Spanish or something. I don't really know.

My Insomniac Powers decided to kick in last night, so my entire family has had to deal with an Extremely Tired and Grumpy Kat today. Getting roughly two hours of sleep max is not good for you.

Also, school is starting in exactly a week.

Yay for me. I'm gonna have so much fun with Algebra raping my brain this year! So. Much. Fudging. Fun.

Today is Wednesday, my birthday is on Friday, and I'm pretty sure everyone has forgotten my birthday.

It's understandable, since the issue with my Grandfather and his health has taken a lot of time to solve, and we still don't have him settled in completely yet.

My Dad is leaving tomorrow to go solve the problem of where my grandfathers going to live now. He won't be back until Monday of next week.

I sound completely selfish, I know, and I'm sorry for that. I just really don't have anyone here who seems to care that I'll be a year older in less than two days.

No cake, questions about what I want for my birthday, nothing!

I'm just gonna be celebrating my birthday in my room again, alone and eating Reeces Peanut Butter Cups.

No birthday party for me,

No birthday party for me,

Everyone's forgotten my birthday...

No birthday party for me.


So, I'll be going now. I'm thinking I might attempt to make myself a cake. I've done it on my own before, so why not do it again.

Luv 2 U All!


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