The New Update [Not TFU]

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Ok. Is anyone else getting majorly pissed off at the new Archive thing? Cause I am!

It's absolutely driving me crazy!

Half the time I go and refresh my library [Im on my iPod writing and reading stuff BTW] to find out if someone updated their book, and they don't even show up! I see about two books with update notices, but then they don't even have updates!

And it's not an update in an earlier chapter. I've looked at the little bar at the bottom, and the orange bit is at the far right edge.

I have to go tap on the little bell icon that keeps track of the number of updates, and then either remember the names of the books that updated or write them all out.

And I sincerely apologize to anyone new who has followed me, anywhere from the Archive Update to now. I haven't been able to see whose followed me so I can't follow you back. I try my very best to follow everyone back, so I'm sorry if I haven't yet.

The Archive Option also fucks up my Library of the books I'm reading. Half the time I'll just find random books that were automatically placed in the Archive section. Most of them are books that aren't completed either. They are some of my favorites, and I know the authors are still constantly putting out new chapters!

Is anyone else having these sorts of problems on a mobile device? I haven't been on the computer for a while, so I'm not sure if people are having the same experiences/problems I am.

Please Please PLEASE let me know. I need help!


Hopefully going to go to sleep now. I'm starting to notice that I almost always update at weird hours of the night. Sorry about that :3

Luv 2 U All!


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