I lied again...

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So my day was officially the worst.

I was yelled at for going and taking control of a video game I was playing and my little sister was watching me play. Not helping me, just watching and throwing out annoying comments here and there.

Mom and Dad seem to think that Caitlyn [My Little Sister] was helping me play The Wolf Among Us. She kept throwing out the worst choices and I kept ignoring her. Then Mom came in, witnessed what was going on, and reacted like I was beating Caitlyn up or something [she started yelling at me and screaming about how ungrateful and horrible I was to Caitlyn, and how I should be ashamed of myself].

Then dad comes in and has to stick his nose into this, which ended up in me and Caitlyn having to 'compromise', AKA me being forced to choose what Caitlyn wanted while Mom is breathing down my neck and constantly glaring at me.

So they screwed up my game, I was yelled at for no reason, and Caitlyn is now even more of an asshole in my eyes.

It just seems no matter what I do, both parents take her side and orally beat me up. Even if I'm obviously right they basically say "FUQ YOU" and punish me.

This happens ever single time I try to play/socialize with Caitlyn. All I ever do is have to listen and do exactly want she says and then get yelled at when I try to actually use my brain and make a choice.

And they wonder why I'm Anti-Social...

Anybody else have a pair of shit parents and want to sell them on E-bay? [although I doubt anyone in their right mind would willingly buy them]

All I do is try and not to be selfish, and to be flexible so they can just keep themselves happy.

Cause apparently having one child who is smart means you don't have to take care of them at all. I'm always shoved out of the way so they can fuss over Caitlyn cause she's allergic to almost everything and sucks at school.

In my life, being older means "Fuck off, we don't care about you anymore!"

Yeah. Fun times with me.

Oh, and the Wi-Fi has been shit all week. I'm pretty sure something's wrong with the router [AKA The magical place that channels all the rainbow Wi-Fi magic] and we need to call someone to fix it.

So yeah.

Luv 2 U All!


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