Angsty NovaHD OneShot + Another Rant/Discussion Thingy About Sly

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|•|•~<Random Drabble Thing That I Finished>~•|•|

NovaHD Angst:


The first chance was wonderful. It was full of sweet pure love, and neither of you wanted to let it go. It was cuddling into his chest on rainy days or lazy mornings, and the way he would come up behind you and give you a hug, along with a kiss on your cheek or neck. It was the long hot summers and the cold yet beautiful Springs. And all those nights of passion. You and him, slipping under the covers to dance and entangle limbs and embrace each other in the most pure yet intimate way. And you were happy.

That was the first chance.

Then came the second chance.

The chance he begged and pleaded for. The times when he promised he still loved you, and begged you to let him love you again. Of course you did. You were infatuated with him. He was the drug you were hooked on, the one thing you could never seem to let go of, never get enough of. And at first things were painful. And then you settled back into routine. He getting home from work, you having a hot meal ready for you both to share. And the nights of passion came back. Slowly but surely, the love and trust replaced all that had been lost before. And you were happy.

But that could only last a short while.

And then came the third chance.

The chance you both knew he didn't deserve. The chance that pained you to give it to him, but you did anyways because you loved him too much not to. The chance where you both seemed to be falling apart, the emotions bursting at the seams. You two yelling almost every night, before coming back together to do that dreaded dance of passion that always seemed to pull you back under. Make you stay just a little while longer. Because you were addicted to him. The pain mixed with pleasure was your drug and he was the provider. The feelings of love mixed with a hollow emptiness that was slowly consuming you as you continued to stay with him.

Until one day, the feelings of love disappeared.

You were stuck in a never ending circle.

The pain.

The forgiving.

You returning.

The pleasure.

And then the empty loneliness coming back to haunt you once more.

You couldn't stop, and some part of you didn't want to. Part of you wanted to stay with him, survive the pain and get to the pleasure. He needed you, that voice argued. He wanted you and he would be better this time. He wouldn't do anything bad again.

But it happened again. That trust was broken for the final time.

Some people say three strikes and you're out.

I said three strikes and I'm dead.

~<James' POV>~

I looked at his gravestone, just reading those four lines over and over in my head.

'Aleksandr Vitaly Marchant


Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.'

Eddie had chosen the quote. He said that Aleks had always loved that quote. I had never even known. All the fans, along with the Creatures missed him dearly. I missed him even more.

I had done a lot of wrong when I was with him, and he had given me chance after chance. Until one day, he had no more chances to give.

We had found his body in his office, wrists slit and still bleeding. His body was still warm to the touch when we rushed him to the hospital. He had written this line above him on the wall in his own blood. Once in English. Once in Russian.

'Three strikes and you're out'

'Три удара и вы находитесь вне.'

Only I had known what it meant.

I'm sorry Aleks.

I'm so, so sorry.

~<And Fin>~


I've just been feeling kind of depressed lately. It was happening before now, but it mainly happened after Eddie decided to retire from The Creatures. They were what was keeping me happy, and now they are starting to become a broken family.

I still watch them, just not as much anymore. I don't blame Dex at all. In fact, I really love Dex to death. It's just that Eddie was the balance of The Creatures. He was the almost forever happy person there.

Honestly, my saying is, "Sly will forever remain a Creature in our hearts, minds, and fanfictions."

Without him, The Creatures just seem, well, off. Not right. They don't have the balance that I think they need.

But I digress.

This one-shot was really just all my emotions from these past few months all coming out. I honestly don't like this one shot/drabble very much, but I decided to post it anyways.

I've been too sad to do much else.

Everything just seems to be reminding me of Sly or The Creatures, and how Sly isn't a Creature anymore.

That video Spencer edited and posted about on Twitter? That was my daily dose of crying for the day. And it happened in front of my parents. Which was great cause now they think I'm even more mental than before.

I'm really even too sad to insert a shameless plug-in for my Twitter in here.

Help me please...

I've now succeeded in making myself cry.


I need fluff and happiness and that shit. Please leave suggestions or Fandom Hugs or something. I need some comfort but I can't get any in real life at the moment. It's summer and my bae Curls [It's her nickname. Don't ask] has been on vacation with no WiFi for a while now. She doesn't even know that this happened! [Besties=yes, Dating=no. FYI for you people. Some people went ape shit on Tumblr when I didn't explain that, so I'm doing it here at least.]

The Creature Hub has been keeping me happy, but now it's making me sad, and I'm just kinda stuck here.

Anyone else feeling this way?

Who am I kidding. MILLIONS of people are probably feeling this way.


Sorry. I got off track. I'm gonna attempt to not be an insomniac and stay up all night.

Wish me luck.

Tons of love and Fandom Hugs to each and every one of you reading this!


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