The Setting Sun

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Ray Ray sipped from his tea as he watched Hannah weep on the table. He glanced at the ticking clock on his wall. It's actually an ipad that I'm using as a clock. When you're rich I guess. Taehyung had given him that idea.

Hannah had come in this morning in nothing but underwear. She had been weeping about since and Ray Ray had given up on helping her. He had tried many things but she just pulled away. The girl had not said a word up to now.

Yoongi came to sit at the table with his own cup of tea. "Hannah you must try to relax." He kind of really wanted to know what happened. He had messaged Jesy but she had not responded. Leigh-Anne was not responding either so he felt in the dark. It is ironic because I am light. He laughed shortly.

Ray Ray did not know why that man was laughing or why he was in his house. "Didn't you say that you were better than me and that we weren't friends anymore? Why the hell is you still here?" Yoongi had come home an hour ago and had made tea for him and himself. I'm not complaining about the tea. I just don't want him here. He's always so f*cking rude.

Yoongi shushed him. Online was a mess. Bunnies had found out who the lady who forced Leigh to sign that toy even though she was breaking down was and now the woman lost her job for being insensitive. Since they also found out that the woman was white, they were calling her racist for no reason. Bunnies had even found out who the other mobbers were and were sending them hate all over the internet. The people's pictures were circulating and a hate campaign against them was starting. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat had to shut down certain accounts because bunnies were too hateful. The rest of online just wanted to know how Leigh was and was spamming all of their accounts. Leigh had the most followers on Instagram now because she won the hearts of people who hated her somehow. It was all crazy and a lot of people were glued to their phones to see what would happen next. Different news stations were keeping track of all the drama. Day time Television shows were harassing Jin and their publicists, asking to have Leigh and Jesy on their shows.

Jesy was considered a hero. No one remembered the cheating scandal anymore. Oprah was the one that everyone wanted to see them on. Oprah herself was in the middle of the drama with all of her opinions on what was happening. The paps were obsessed with them and Yoongi and the others had nearly been mobbed while trying to get to work. People had surrounded the building where they recorded so they had had to pass through harsh mobs to get home. Everyone just wanted some fifteen.

Hannah lifted her head after cooling down. She looked from Ray to Yoongi. "When did . . . when did you guys get here?"

Ray rolled his eyes. "I'm always here remember?"

"He has no life." Yoongi concurred.

Ray Ray raised his fist at him but Yoongi did not flinch.

Hannah blinked and then wiped her face. "Oh. S-sorry for my nudity guys." She pouted now.

Ray Ray and Yoongi pouted also. "She is so cute." Yoongi commented.

Ray sighed. "Ready to tell me what's wrong?"

Hannah seemed small. "No." She seemed smaller now.

Ray Ray and Yoongi did cute pleading faces.

"Awww! No! You guys are too cute! I can't." Hannah was shaking her head. She sat up and looked at Ray Ray. "Mrmrmr you're too scary." She looked at Yoongi. "You're a cat."

Yoongi nodded. He was learning to embrace his cattishness. "You are ugly." He told Ray Ray.

Ray Ray rolled his eyes. "I know I'm hot, cute and adorable all in one." He had several magazines saying so.

Sexy Sixteen: Scandals and Surprises #7Where stories live. Discover now