She was steaming hot now. Smoke was practically come out of her red ears.

"NO! it cannot wait ! Beerus! Want to no why? BECAUSE MY DRAGON BALL RADAR IS MISSING! DAMNIT! AND YOU GODS AND ANGELS ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT HAVE ACCESS TO MY LAB ONCE ITS LOCKED UP, Oh and another small thing crossed my mind on my way out here, THE FEW DRAGON BALLS WE WERE SO LUCKY TO HAVE ARE MISSING AS WELL!!!!!! So if one of you or My dearly Husban here has been in the lab I need to be INFORMED!!!!"

The Angels looked to one another. but judging by the looks on there faces Bulma could tell they didn't have a answer To her question. so that meant neither one of them must have been in the lab at all. Oh no.

"I do believe neither Me, my sister or brother have been into your lab." Marcarita said honestly.

Bulma turned to ask Vegeta if it was him but the expression on his face told her everything. He clearly wasn't the one that took the balls or her equipment.

"SO WERE THE HELL COULD HAVE THEY GONE!" Champa said loudly hoping up from his seat. And spilling half of his drink.

"Bulma are you sure you didn't just happen to look over them."

She turned around behind her "No 17, I no exactly were I left them, and I do remember locking down the lab after I left out this morning after Jane—............. no."

The last word came out as a whisper.

"What do you mean no Bulma?" Krillin asked stepping out from behind his wife.

Everyone was looking at her intensely waiting for her to explain what she thought she figured out.

".....I .., they, ........she  couldn't have taken it." Bulma continue whispering to herself but everyone could hear her loud and clear. especially do to their enhanced hearing.

"Are you thinking she took the dragon balls?" Kale spoke up and asked.

"——But she couldn't have, she was with me the hole time in the lab when we were talking she didn't stray from my side." Bulma inform them all.

"Well to be sure we should go ask her." Caulifla said

Bulma didn't won't all of them to go she could handle asking Jane herself, it would be way to intimidating for someone like her if everyone came. But everyone was already moving toward the door.

Bulma sigh and shook her head this wasn't going to turn out well everyone was trying to get there hands on those balls for their own selfish reasons but most importantly they were in need of the dragon balls so they can be kept safely from falling into the wrong hands, that's why they were kept safe locked up in Her lab. Well at least she thought they were safe.


It didn't take them long to get up the stairs and to were the girls we're staying.

Thankful somehow Bulma was able to get in front of the group.

She knocked on Jane's door.

She and the others waited patiently, at first. But after the third time knocking and no Jane, Bulma turned the doorknob and surprisingly it was unlocked.

Bulma walked into the room, But Jane was no were to be found. That made Bulma a little unease. Because on there way up here she found out no one has saw the girls at all since lunch.

DBS/ DBZ (A DESTROYED WORLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora