↳ tour accidents & protection | zk

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a/n: in honor of the funktion tour

the bus pulled into the venue parking lot, zion was still asleep in the bunk as the other boys and I played games up front. "bro, there's already fans out there,"nick said, causing all of us to look out of the window.

"that's a lot of fans," i said, looking at the fans, "that's like at least 100-200 fans." as we stopped, zion came out of the bunks, "hey mamas," he said, kissing my forehead and pulling me into his lap. i laid back into his chest as he rubbed my thigh. "you okay," he asked. "yeah i guess." z look at me, obviously puzzled but decided to let it go for now.

"do you guys want to go see them, i think im going to." austin said, looking between everyone. "are you kidding porter? it's cold as hell out there," nick said, "do i look like santa claus to you?"

"first of all, your name is nick aka Saint Nick and yes you look a lot like him," austin retorted, smirking at nick.

"whatever," nick said. we continued to play games as the boys decided to go out. "y/n are you coming?" brandon asked. "yeah sure," I said following z and brandon out.

as soon as the boys came out, the screams became louder and louder. zion ran towards them, screaming as i followed. "oh my god, queennn," one of the fans said as they saw me. i similed as they complimented me. the crowds started to push harder and harder. my heart started racing as i got pushed farther and farther away from z.

"y/n, where'd you go," zion called, looking around for me, ignoring the teenagers calling his name. "y/n" he shouted, louder this time. zion began to search for me. "baby, where are you?" "have you seen y/n?" z asked brandon. "no maybe she went back to the bus with nick."

"r-right, u-uh, thanks," zion said, patting him on the back. "good luck, man." brandon said, returning his attention to the crowd. the bus door opened, nick turning his attention to z. "bro, where have you been! i tried calling you like five times, your girl is in the bathroom having an anxiety attack and you can't pick it up?"

"w-what, i um left it here and it's dead I think and where is she?!" zion said, panicking. "she's in the bathroom, with the door locked, I couldn't get in."

"okay," he said, rushing towards the door. "baby, open the door please." silence. "come on baby, I'm here, you're okay, just open the door." still nothing. "nick, where's the key?"

"i don't know, the bus driver left to get food and I forgot." "are you kidding me right now!" zion yelled, searching for the keys. "found them," he said, running towards the bathroom. he opened the door, finding me on the floor, slightly rocking.

"baby, what happened?" he asked, lifting my chin with his finger. "i-uh the crowds, they were pushing and people were calling out stuff and I made it back to the bus and didn't see nick so i went here and locked the door.. and-"

"im so sorry, baby. i didn't know, this won't happen again baby, i promise," he said. i nodded as z picked me up from my legs and we went into the living space.

"you okay y/n?" nick asked. "yeah i'm fine, thanks." zion sat me down and then ran out of the bus, "why'd he go back out there," I asked. nick shrugged looking between me and the crowds outside the window.

after a while, i say I was being tagged in a video, I pulled it up so nick and I could both hear.

zion: (in the video); "ok listen up. i know y'all love me and the boys along with our family. but this is getting out of hand. you guys, and it's not all of y'all. but some of y'all need to start respecting my girlfriends space along with the boys and I. I love y'all and I'm so blessed to have you, but at the end of day, my girlfriend is the priority and you have to respect that."

zion came back into the bus. "you didn't have to do that, bub." i said as he laid on top of me. "yes I did, I'm your protection, baby. nothing is happening to you, okay?"

"okay," i kissed him, smiling into the kiss. "get a bunk," nick complained from the other couch. "you're just mad that you're single mara."

"disrespectful," nick mumbled.

this is my longest imagine so far, besides "holidays" which is almost done. holiday and wisdom teeth are almost done. I have plenty of z imagines so what other boys/ imagines do you want to see.

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ily babes

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