↳ late night swims | ek

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eloms head rested on my chest as we watched Rick and Morty. we were both drifting in and out of sleep. elom began to stir, rubbing his temple, something he only does when he has an idea. "y/nnn?" "mhm" "lets go swimming," he said, looking at me with hopeful eyes. " it's 1am elom and what if we wake up the boys"
"they don't care and please mamas, I know you want tooo"
"fine" i huffed as elom pulled me of the bed. elom changed into his swim trunks and ran downstairs. i opened my closet and picked out a random bikini. ( or whatever swimsuit you wanna wear, but you'll look cute in either one)
i walked downstairs, seeing eloms back facing me as he scrolled through his Instagram. "baby, you ready?" i asked. "yeah s-" he said while turning around, shock written across his face. "mamas you look fine, spin for me" he chuckled. i playfully spinned and elom came running towards me and picked me up. "elom, what are you doing!" i shrieked as he ran towards the pool. next thing I knew, we were both in the pool. "elom I hate you" i screamed. he looked at me, fake hurt, "well then." im kidding!" "i know," he says playfully, pulling me into his lap ( that Peter kavinsky hot tub scene.. just me, okay)
it felt like a seconds but we were in the pool for hours, playing around and doing random stuff. i ended up on eloms lap, my head on his chest as we rocked back and forth as the water swished on the sides of the pool. "i love you, y/n" "i love you too." we sat there for a few minutes and started playing again. "elom!" i screeched as he splashed me. he picked me up, dunking us under water and then returning to the same position we were in before.
y'all way to loud," nick said, opening the screen door. "oh my god," he said seeing me on elom, "if zion caught y'all, whew chile."
"thanks nick," elom said sarcastically as I chuckled. "whatever," he said going upstairs. "shall we continue?" elom said. "ok kuwonu," I said laughing. i love this kid.


what do y'all think?

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