Chapter Twenty: Cassandra and Dallas

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(Picture of Valencia)
Saturday, December 26th, 1970
Dally's pov

   "Mommy, daddy wake up! It's my birthday!" I sit up slowly and see Valencia at the end of our bed smiling wide.
  "Happy birthday angel," I say sleepily while pulling her in my arms. "How old are you today?"
  "Daddy you forgot?" Val asks looking up at me.
  "Daddy's getting old," I joke.
  "I'm four!"
  "Oh yeah. You're right Val. What do you want for breakfast? You can have anything you want," I tell her.
  "I want waffles with whipped cream and syrup!" she beams. "I want Uncle Darry to make them." Of course, she does. She only eats his waffles.
  "Cassie, I'm going over Darry's with Valencia okay?"
  "Mhm," she says sleepily. "Happy birthday princess."
  "Thank you, mommy. Sweet dreams," Val whispers. Valencia scurries out of the room and into her to change into her winter clothes.
   "If you need help decorating or watching Amaris just call Johnny," I remind Cassandra.
  "I know. Have fun," she yawns.

   "How are your waffles little lamb?" Darry asks as he watches Valencia eat.
  "Super yummy Uncle Darry!" she answers with a big smile.
  "I got you a present," he mentions catching her attention. "Something the whole family pitched in for."
  "Dar, I told you not to go overboard," I sigh.
  "I know, but how can anyone not go overboard for her?" he chuckles.
  "What is it?" Val asks. Ponyboy walks out of the bedroom with something behind his back. The anticipation made my angel wiggle in her seat excitedly.
  "Lemme see Uncle Pony," she whines. Ponyboy hands her a teddy bear with a round silver locket around its neck.
  "Darrel," I start. He ignores me, removing the necklace from the bear and opening the locket revealing a picture of the gang including the girls sometime before Silver was born.
  "This was us before you were born. Everyone in the photo loves you so much and we're so blessed to have you in our lives," Darry tells her as he puts the locket around her neck.
  "I love it! Thank you," Silver says while wrapping her small arms around his neck.
  "Anything for you little lamb," Darry says.
  "Are you gonna have a baby too?" Val asks.
  "Maybe one day, but until then you and your sister are more than enough for me," he answers.
Cassandra's pov

   "Everything is almost ready," I say while holding Amaris. "Jose do you need anything?" Josephine rubs her bump and pouts.
  "I wanna help," she says.
  "Nope. You are seven months pregnant, you need to start slowing things down," I tell her. "Plus there's nothing for you to do. Steve is picking up the cake, Dally is keeping Silver preoccupied with Darry and Pony, and Johnny and Two-Bit have finished decorating."
  "At least let me hold my niece," Jose smiles while holding her arms out. I hand Amaris to her and watch her stare up at Josie while my sister talks to her.

 I hand Amaris to her and watch her stare up at Josie while my sister talks to her

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   "Mommy!" I hear Valencia shout followed by her little footsteps.
  "Hi baby," I say while kneeling down with my arms open. She jumps into them and I hold tightly.
  "Did you have fun with daddy and your uncles?" I ask.
  "Yes. Look at the necklace Uncle Darry and the rest got me." She let's go of me and points to the necklace. I look up and Darry was carrying shopping bags.
  "I told you guys not to go overboard," I say.
  "I already told them," Dally brings up.
"Look, it's very difficult to say no that cute little face," Pony says. "And that cute little face right there."
"Is Uncle Soda and Aunt Tess coming?" Silver asks.
"They should be here soon little lamb," Pony answers with a smile. Valencia giggles and claps her hands happily. As I look around the room I think to myself how I'd never imagined in a million years that I'd be married to the most wonderful man with an honest job, and two beautiful daughters.
"You okay?" Dallas asks me while wrapping his arms around me.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about how perfect my life is," I answer with a smile. "I love you."
"I love you too Cassie," Dally says placing a kiss on my cheek.
Monday, December 28th, 1970

I watch as Dallas happily plays with our little girls in the living room. I hate keeping secrets from him, maybe I should just tell him. It's nearly been a month.
  "Hey Dal, can I talk to you for a minute?" He excuses himself from the tea party taking the feathery boa off and placing the tiara that he was wearing on a pillow.
  "What's up Cass?" he asks with a bright smile. I mess with the sleeve of my sweater before I bring myself to look at him.
  "Um, I'm pregnant," I mumble. Dallas blinks a few times trying to register what I said.
"Wait so you're having another baby?"
"Yes that's what being pregnant means," I answer while rolling my eyes.
"Huh, no wonder you've been acting differently," he shrugs.
"Dallas! Aren't you surprised? I've been keeping it a secret for almost two months!" I exclaim.
"You're nearly two months already? Why didn't you tell me when you found out?"
"I wasn't sure if you wanted a third. I know how much you want a boy," I say softly. "And if it ends up being a girl—"
"Cassie, I don't care if we have another girl, I just want a healthy baby," he smiles. "But seriously after this one no more."
Thursday, February 10th, 1972

"Aw, I can't believe Marcel is already six months," I pout.
"He looks so much like his sisters," Ponyboy says in awe. "What a cute baby."
"How're the girls with him?" Darry asks.
"They're so wonderful. They absolutely love their little brother. You should've seen Dallas when I told him that we're having a boy," I giggle. "You know Dar, we gave him your name as his middle name."
"What? No way. That's awfully sweet of you," Darry says happily. "Hey look Marcel's trying to roll over."


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"They sure do grow up fast," I sigh. "Valencia is gonna be fourteen in nine years. She'll be in high school."
"Mommy!" Valencia and Amaris shout while running to me.
"Hi girls! Did you have fun at your grandparent's house?"
"Yes! Grandma took us to the park and grandpa made cookies!" Val explains. "Then daddy picked us up. He's outside talking to uncle Johnny." I pick up Marcel and exit the Curtis house while saying my goodbyes to two out of the three brothers. Valencia hops down the steps carefully and Amaris copies her.
"Hey Johnny," I greet. "Where's Josie?"
"Running errands with Maritza," he answers. "Oooh wow look at my nephew!" Marcel smiles at Johnny then hides his face in my shoulder.
"He's getting so big. Speaking of, I can't believe Sunny's gonna be two soon," Johnny pouts. "Is this how you guys feel?"
"All the time," Dallas answers. "Hell, someday we're all gonna be grandparents." I laugh when Dal says that. There's no one that's gonna happen anytime soon.
Sunday, April 2nd, 2000

I can't believe I'm fifty-two today. I remember laughing when Dallas said we're gonna be grandparents someday. I can't believe it happened so quickly. Val is thirty-four with three kids and Amaris is thirty-two with two kids and one on the way. Marcel just got married, Giselle and Giovanni finished college not that long ago, Landon just had his first kid, a girl, and his sister Sabrina just got engaged. As I watch my big family enjoy cake and talk amongst each other and take Dallas' hand and give it a squeeze.
  "What's on your mind beautiful?" he asks.
  "Nothing really. Just thinking about how lucky we are to have such a big wonderful family," I beam. "All because a no good Greaser just had to fall in love with a pretty, but stubborn Soc."

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