Chapter Six: The Fight

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Wednesday, November 17th
Johnny's pov

   It's been uneasy these past couple of days. Dally hasn't been around much, it's like he's been keeping a secret from the gang. Josephine has been feeling the same way with Cassandra. As we're walking to Pony's house, we spot Cassandra's car parked hidden behind thick bushes and shrubs.
  "There's your sister's car," I tell Josie. "Wonder where she is."
  "Let's go check it out!" she exclaims. We start walking to the vacant car, as we get closer we notice it rocking a bit. The windows are kind of fogged up too. We both peek inside the back windows and regret flushed throughout my body.
  "Oh my god!" Josephine screams. "My eyes!"
  "Oh fuck," I hear Dal cuss.
  "Shit, damn it," Cassandra mumbles. The car door opens and the steam flows out slowly. Dally steps out zipping his jeans and trying to find his shirt. I look back for Jose and notice she booked it to Ponyboy's house.
  "What the hell were you doing you little shit?" Dallas asks.
  "We were lookin' for the both of you," I mumble.
  "Where'd your girlfriend go?" he asks while putting a cigarette in his mouth.
  "The Curtis house," I answer. "Man that's burned in my head forever, thanks guys."
  "I'm so sorry Johnny," Cassandra says while fixing her hair. "If I would've known you two would snoop around.."
"Well I'm gonna go check on Jose.. I'll see you around," I say while walking away fast. When I get to Pony's house I can hear Josephine yelling about how disgusted she is and everyone else asking why.

"I saw my sister and Dallas having sex in her car, that's why!" she shouts. I slip in through the door and lean against a wall watching her pace back and forth. She takes her red coat off, revealing her black patterned dress. Her nice styled hair is now a mess from her running her fingers through it constantly, a few stands stick out here and there.

 Her nice styled hair is now a mess from her running her fingers through it constantly, a few stands stick out here and there

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(Josephine's outfit 👆🏽)
  "Josephine, is what you said true?" Soda asks while walking in.
  "Yes! Ask them yourself!" Just then, Dal and Cass walk in laughing and smiling. I've never seen Sodapop angry, he's always calm and gentle, except when there's rumbles goin' on. His hands were balled up in tight fists making his knuckles turn white. He was shakin' slightly with his head down.
  "You bastard!" Soda shouts. "We had a deal and you back stab me!" He throws a punch at Dallas, hitting him dead in his jaw. Dallas rubs his face, pulling Cassandra behind him with one hand. I grab Jose by the arm and pull her against the wall.

   "Soda this isn't how I wanted you to find out," Dal starts. "Trust me I was planning on telling you."
"Bullshit! How could you do this to me? We're family!" Soda screams. Darry steps in between them and gives his brother a serious look.
"Calm down Sodapop. I don't need you causing trouble now," he says sternly. Soda angrily punches a wall before storming out of the house.
  "I'll go calm him down," Steve says running after his best friend. Two-Bit, Pony, Darry, and Jose stare at Dally and Cass. Dal looks down mumbling to himself and Cassie's face is bright red with embarrassment washed over it.
  "I hope you're both happy. Breaking poor Sodapop's heart and for what? A quick fuck every now and again," Josephine spat. "Unbelievable." That's the first time I've heard her cuss. I have to admit it was pretty attractive. She rolls her eyes at her older sister, grabbing her coat and heading for the door.

   "We're not fuck buddies Jose. We're um.. We're dating," Cassandra speaks up.
  "Doesn't matter. You broke a good guy's heart and tore the gang apart," Jose says disappointingly. "You're terrible." I follow behind her quickly, not wanting to be around that mess.
"You okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah I'm just... I don't even know," she mutters. "I don't wanna talk about it anymore."
"Well what do you wanna talk about?"
"I was wondering if.. you might want to come to my family's Christmas party," Josephine asks shyly.
"Do I gotta dress up? I don't really have fancy clothes," I tell her.
"You could wear a button up. Can I ask you something?"
"Go for it."
"Do you like anyone?" Josephine leans against a brick wall looking up at me innocently. I have a sudden urge to kiss her again, but hold back. This is my chance to tell her but no words are coming out. I swallow hard trying to tell her how I feel but a bunch of nothin' comes out.

"Y-yes I like someone. What about you?"
"I do like someone. He's in a gang," Josie whispers playfully.
"Oh my god is it Ponyboy?" I ask.
"Nooo, although he is quite adorable," she giggles.
  "No he isn't," I grumble.
  "Aww is someone jealous?" Josephine teases. "I think you're real handsome Johnny."
  "You do?" I ask in amazement. She nods her head and smiles softly at me. I feel the butterflies flying around my stomach as she locked my arm with hers. I think I'm in love.
Cassandra's pov

I lean back in the passenger's seat in my car, too drained to drive. Dallas throws his cigarette out the window and drives out of the neighborhood. He places his right on my thigh and gives it a reassuring squeeze which makes me feel a little better.
"I guess now's a bad time to want to meet your folks," he says trying to lighten the mood. I give him a half smile and sigh deeply. Yeah bad timing Dal.
"I promise you'll meet them soon. I know my mom will love you. My dad on the other hand won't," I inform him. "I think you should come to the Christmas party to meet them."
"I don't have a suit or any fancy shit doll."
"That's okay. I'll figure something out," I say.

There's a long silence that fills the car, we both know why but we don't want to say it out loud. We both messed up. I feel awful for hurting Sodapop like that. I didn't know he liked me that much. I shouldn't have gone in between their friendship.
"Hey, don't blame yourself," Dallas finally speaks. "It's all my fault."
"How can I not blame myself? I knew he had feelings for me and I decided to date one of his good friends," I pout. "Jose is right, I'm fucking terrible."
"You're not. Soda will get over it. And if he doesn't that's too bad for him." I look out the window the rest of the drive. I have no clue where Dally is taking me, but I hope it's far away.

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