Chapter Ten: Poor Cassandra

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Tuesday, May 3rd
Johnny's pov

Jose and I are hanging out at Pony's house watching tv. Cassandra has been pretty distant lately and Josie isn't sure what's going on with her. She's been acting weird since we got back from her birthday trip. She won't tell anyone what Dally did to her and he won't tell us either.
"Is Cass still sick?" I ask.
"Yeah. She hasn't been feeling good for almost a week. She honestly hasn't been herself since last month. Dally must've hurt her feelings pretty bad," Josephine answers. "She goes to school then goes straight home. I asked Sherri and Marcia if they know what's wrong, but they don't."
"Maybe he talked about how good looking Sherri is," Pony says from the kitchen. "He had a thing for her before you and Cassandra moved here. Might've slipped out on accident."
"I don't think that's it. She would've gotten over it," Josephine says. Dally walks through the door, he's been acting strange too.
"Hey, Jose. Is Cass still sick?" he asks.
"Yeah. She's also still upset over what you did, whatever that may be," she answers. "Wish I knew so I could make her feel better."
"It's nothing you have to worry—"
"My sister has locked herself in her bedroom for a whole month over something you did! I'm worried about her stupid!" Josephine yells. "She should've picked Sodapop over you. I'm going home. I'll see you at school tomorrow." Josephine kisses me goodbye and heads out to her car.
"Seriously Dal, what did you?" Pony asks.
"I fucked up real bad," he sighs.
"How?" I ask.
"I... I can't say. I just want my girl back," Dally says sadly. I miss her."
"You should go see her then," Pony advises. "I bet she misses you too."
"You're right. Her dad's out of town right now. I'll be back soon." Dally runs out of the house and gets in Buck's car. Pony shakes his head and lets out a chuckle.
"I'm glad I don't have girl problems."
Cassandra's pov

   This is the fourth day of school that I've missed because I'm sick. I don't know what's wrong with me. I felt fine last week. My poor mother is stuck taking care of me when she should be giving my little brother, Christoper, the attention. My mom comes in with Chris and sits on the bed with a soft expression on her face.
  "Mom, I don't want him to get sick," I pout.
  "He's not going to Cassie. I used to feel ill when that time of the month was coming," she says. That time of the month... Oh no. I'm late, I'm so late. God, I can't be.
  "What's wrong honey?" my mom asks.
  "How did you know you were pregnant?" I ask.
  "It's just a feeling some women get. I can't wait until you and your sisters become mothers. It's so surreal. Holding Christoper right now brings me such a euphoric feeling," she smiles. I watch as he coos at her and smiles as my mom kisses his forehead.
  "I'm glad he decided to come a little early. I couldn't wait any longer." Tears start streaming down my face. I tried to stop but I couldn't.
  "Cassandra what's wrong?" my mother asks with concern.
  "I think... I think I'm pregnant," I sob.
  "Oh, darling don't cry. Everything will be okay," she says. "Come with me." I follow my mother to the nursery then to her bedroom. She sits on the bed and holds her arms out. I fall into them and she holds me tightly.

   "We'll figure everything out I promise," she soothes.
  "What about dad? He's going to kick me out. I'll have to drop out of school. I—"
  "Let me deal with your dad when the time comes, and we can homeschool you," she says. "There's a solution to every problem."
  "Dallas doesn't like kids. He's going to abandon me if I decide to keep it," I mumble.
  "You don't need him to take care of you or the baby. You have me and Josephine."
  "It would be nice if he was in our child's life," I say.
  "Well, there's only one way to find out if you're pregnant. I can call our doctor and make an appointment for you tomorrow."
  "Thank you, mom. You're really the best," I tell her."
Wednesday, May 4th

   I sit on my bed and stare at the sonogram of my tiny baby. I'm really pregnant. My mom was happy for some reason, but I couldn't comprehend anything. She said on the way I should tell Dallas, but how can I? I'm afraid he'll leave me.
  "Hey Cass," Josephine says. "You okay?"
  "I don't know. You're going to have a little niece or nephew next year," I tell her.
  "So it's true. You're keeping it?" she asks while climbing in my bed.
  "Yeah. Mom unintentionally convinced me yesterday," I say. "Do you think I'll be a good mom?"
  "You practically raised me," Jose giggles. "You'll be great. I think Dally will be a good dad." I wince as she mentions him being a good dad.
  "Does he know?"
  "Not yet. I don't think he'll want it," I sigh.
  "I think he will. He cares about the people he loves and he really loves you," Josephine mentions.
  "How are you and Johnny doing?" I ask changing the subject.
  "We had an argument yesterday. Things are a little tense right now," she says.
  "Is it about the supposed rumble?" I ask.
  "Yeah. I told him we should take a break and he said no. He wants to fight if it happens," she says, her voice cracking. My little sister is so stressed out over this. I cuddle her and she tries not to cry. She's a tough little cookie.

   "You're the greatest sister ever," she says.
  "What about Tessa?"
  "She's a pain in the ass. I still love her though," Josie mumbles. We both laugh, for the first time in a month I feel happy.
  "I'm going to tell Dallas," I say. "Tonight." I get up and run down the steps quickly to the phone. I dial Buck's number and hear it ring a few times before he picks up.
  "Hello?" he says.
  "Buck, it's Cass. Is Dally there?" I ask.
  "Yeah, lemme go get him." I wait a few minutes and Dal picks up the phone.
  "Hey baby, I'm sorry I haven't seen you," he says.
  "I'm coming over soon. Don't go anywhere. I have something important to tell you," I say. "Don't be late."

I've been standing in front of the room Dally sleeps in. I know he's in there, he's talking to himself. I made him nervous, he probably thinks I'm going to break up with him. I inhale sharply and knock on his door. He opens it slightly and pulls me inside.
"God, I've missed you," he mumbles while embracing me. "I'm so sorry."
"Dallas, I'm pregnant," I blurt out.
"Huh?" he says while pushing me out of the hug. I dig in my purse and pull out the sonogram pictures, handing them to him.
"I'm pregnant," I repeat. "Four weeks." Dal just stares at the sonograms, his hand shaking lightly. I prepare for the worst.
"You're keeping it?" Dally asks.
"Fuck," he mumbles.
"I-I know you don't like kids..." I start.
"I fucking hate them. I was too reckless," Dal groans. "Cass are you sure—"
"I'm keeping it," I interrupt. "If you want me to be a single mother so be it."
"What?" Dallas doesn't say anything. He grabs a suitcase and starts dumping his clothes in and zips it up.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"Back home to New York," he answers. I exhale quickly, my whole body is trembling. Dally is really leaving me.
"Wait... Dallas please don't..." I start. I watch as he walks down the stairs and eventually exits through the door. Buck follows him and shortly after I hear a car take off. Thunder rumbles and the faint sound of rain begins. I break down hysterically for a minute and process what just happened. Dallas left me all alone. I run out of Buck's house and get soaked by the rain. There was only one place where I needed to go; the Curtis house. I ran over there without stopping, I almost tripped a few times because of my blurred vision from the rain and tears. I make it over there in one piece and bang on their door until Sodapop opens it.

"Cass—" I threw myself on him and started crying out loud. He stumbles back but regains his balance and hold me firmly in his strong arms.
"What's wrong?" he asks while stroking my wet hair. "Pony get a towel please!"
"H-he left me. Dallas l-left me," I stammer.
"Why did he leave you?" Soda asks. I look up in his bright blue eyes, worry washed over them. I sniffle and try to recollect myself so he can understand me better.
"He left me because I'm pregnant," I whisper. He wraps a towel around me and carries me to the couch.
"Oh Cassie, that's awful. Uh, Dal leaving you not because you're.."
"I don't know why, but I just had to come here. I had to see you," I say softly.
"What's goin' on?" Darry asks. Soda gets up and takes him to their bedroom to explain my situation.
"Of course that no good snake left that poor girl," I hear Darry say.
"Can she spend the night? I'll take her home before I go to work," Soda says.
"Yeah, she can stay." Soda nods and comes back to me.
"I'll always be here for you," Sodapop whispers.
"Thank you Sodapop," I sniffle. I cuddle up next to him and close my eyes. I can't wait to hear what my father has to say about this.

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