Chapter Five

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Not being able to sleep the whole night through, Nora decided that it was a good time as any to pay Matt a little visit at 2 a.m. The conversation she had with Melanie haunted her in her dreams and the only way she was going to stop thinking about it is if she got down to the bottom of it. And that's exactly what she was determined to do. She threw on her sweats, got in her car and drove to Matt's apartment which was thirty minutes away. Nora rode the elevator to Matt's apartment and knocked on the door. Was she waking him up from a nice slumber? She didn't care. If she couldn't sleep, he wouldn't either.

After three loud knocks, Matt finally opened the door. He was wearing nothing but a pair of grey cotton pajama pants. After a few seconds, his eyes were finally focused when he saw that it was Nora. The woman he hasn't seen or spoken to in days. The woman whose face has clogged his thoughts since the first time they met. The woman who he craves everyday was standing right in front of him. "Nora? What are you doing here?"

Nora pushed past him and let herself in. "We need to talk."

Matt sensed her anger and responded sarcastically. "Sure, come on in." He closed the door and trailed behind her to turn on the kitchen light. Opening the refrigerator Matt pulled out a bottle of water and asked, "Would you like something to drink?"

"No." Nora's face was serious. He watched her closely as she circled around the counter.

"Would you like to sit down?"


"Is there something wrong, do you want to talk about it?"

Nora didn't answer him, she just stared down at the counter waiting, unable to look at him, building up the courage to ask him the question that made her wonder if those rumors about him being a womanizer was true. She took one look into those taunting dark eyes of his and couldn't do it. She couldn't ask him because she didn't want it to be true. She didn't want to ask him and he'd deny it, but feel in her gut that he was lying. Nora trusted Melanie and knew that he best friend wouldn't lie to her. At this point as she battled his stare, she knew what they had been too good to be true. Was she falling for this man?

"You know what, I've changed my mind. We don't need to talk I just have one thing to say to you." Nora met Matt by the refrigerator and stood about a foot in front of him. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, but I refuse to be a part of your woman brigade."

Matt was confused. "Woman brigade? What are you talking about?"

Nora flagged him off. "Look, I don't have time for you to try and talk your way out of your little scheme. We all know that you're seeing a least twenty other women."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Nora, what the hell is going on? We all know? I'm not seeing any other women I'm..." Before Matt could finish his argument, Nora stepped away from him and headed for the door.

Nora stopped midway and stared back at Matt. Staring in his eyes she saw two things; the eyes of a wicked, conniving man who only wanted one thing and was wrong to not have listened to her friend in the beginning. On the other hand, she saw the eyes of the man she kissed passionately and who made her feel so good the other night on her couch in her living room. But she didn't want to see him as the good guy. She had to be mad at him. She wanted to, because there's no way he could be the man that everyone says he is. No way. Who was she kidding?

"Sure." Nora turned away from Matt one last time and stormed out of his apartment.

Matt was speechless. He just stood there and watched as she slammed the door behind her on his face. He stood there for the next three minutes trying to figure out what the hell went between them and who's been feeding her stories about his past. He wanted to tell her not to believe the gossip that's fluttering her ears because he's left that entire playboy scene behind and that she was the only one. But she didn't seem like she even wanted to hear his side of things. She would've thought he was lying. He regretted letting her leave. He should've run after her. Now that she was gone, it was going to be hell trying to get her back. When Matt finally decided to sleep, he didn't. All night he tossed and turned and thought about her.

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