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"Dean!" The blue-eyed man exclaimed running up to his boyfriend who tackled him into a hug twirling him around into a heartwarming kiss. 

"We did it," The blonde-man whispered after a while of their foreheads touching. 

June 14th was the day that they officially graduated.

"Can ya'll do that somewhere else? It's disgusting!" Nick exclaimed as the couple looked at each other with smirks. 

"Yeah sure- I'm glad we won't be seeing you anymore!" Castiel exclaimed loving the courage his boyfriend gave him. 

The couple was just about to walk away when Charlie came over, no she didn't go to this school… No she was home schooled now but of course she had to see her besties graduate. "Fuck off!" She exclaimed to Nick. "Quit hurting my friends!" 

That would be the last anyone saw of Nick... Well at least for a while. 

"I'm so proud of you guys!" Charlie exclaimed after pulling them into gut-wrenching hugs. 

After socializing for a while they left to go get Sammy from daycare. Everything was at peace as everything was now in the right order. If only the couple knew that just one thing... Just one- could change it all. 

The flannel wearing man loved his raven-haired wonder and the same reversed. Nothing could ever change their "more profound bond," well the only thing that possibly could was... Well, death it's self.

Everyone's journey is different and the couple were sure on one hell of a treacherous ride. 

As the blonde-man and the trench-coated man sat in the car it was silent... Dean hadn't started up the car yet which confused his boyfriend.

"Cas..." The boyfriend whispered catching his attention. "I know something is bothering you,"

He sighed looking down at his lap. "I just saw all the other students with their parents and actual families…" His lip began to quiver. "I-It made me think of the bad times... Where I had no one Dean," Their eyes locked as the green-eyed man's heart broke at the sight of his pools of blue-eyes that were clouded by hurt. 

"The past cannot be changed," He whispered trying to sooth the man he loved. "And no matter how difficult things get I'm not going to leave you... Not like they did," The raven-haired man hugged him tight... As if... If he were to let go that Dean would leave him– And never return… Just like the others.

A fear that still lingered... Even after the recurrence. Even after he knew that his boyfriend wouldn't... At least not willingly.

"I love you, Dean," He whispered scooting closer to him. 

"Right back at ya Cas," He smiled turning up the radio and starting the car the music blasting.

I'm on the highway to hell–

His smile was contagious because halfway through the car ride the blue-eyed man couldn't help the one forming on his own lips- As all the negative thoughts were whisked away from his brain. 


Sammy tackled Castiel into a hug, a smile resting across his lips. "Fowd?" He questioned staring at the men with his pleading eyes. 

"Yeah," They agreed at the same time with a laugh. 

"Gosh I'm starving," The blonde-man groaned as he got into the driver's seat. 

"You're always hungry," Smiled his boyfriend as they locked fingers. 

The made way to some random restaurant not even caring what-so-ever at this point. 

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