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"W-Why are you doing this?" Castiel asked through fear. 

"Not for you... In fact who even are you?" She asked. The raven-haired man was about to speak but she cut in. "For him,"  She jabbed fingers at Dean. "First for amazing sex and then to kill him, any questions?" 

Neither of them said a word as two of her helpers untied Dean... That turned out to be a stupid mistake on their part. As the Winchester began to fight them. He began to chant an exorcism while the demons lunged at him he continued this until all of them were smoked out. Leaving the blonde man with a beaten face and a barely awake Castiel.

"Come on Cas we gotta hurry more are probably on the way," Dean exclaimed as he untied his friend. 

"But we don't even know where we are," The blue eyes man whispered he was freaking out inside.

"Lisen," Dean whispered placing both hands on his friend's shoulder looking him in the eyes. "You will be just fine," 

"You too?" He asked with a tilt to the head. 

"Me too," Dean stated dragging them out the door. 

They were in a cabin, the leather jacket bearing man checked the car. 

"Shit," He whispered yanking at the handle. "It's locked," He made his friend back up as he broke the glass and got in. 

"Where are we going?" The raven-haired man asked with a sigh.

"Home," Dean mumbled but really he had never had a home and well that needed to change. 

"Dean," Cas whispered looking down. "I don't want to go home," The hunter gave a sympathetic look. 

"At least let me get Sammy," Dean explained trying to think over the whole idea. 

Soon they were on the road never uttering a word. Soon it had been about an hour those demons had taken them far. 

"Dean, what's it like hunting monsters?" His friend asked suddenly. 

"Saving people-Killing evil... It's not as it sounds," Dean liked like he was about to have a mental breakdown so Castiel stopped questioning... "I can't get you into this Cas sure both of our families are messed up but you have no idea what it's like hinting monsters,"

The raven-haired man only shrugged to tired and out of it to question more. Castiel leaned back in the seat letting his eyes droop that was until something warm went over him. "Dean you need this," His friend murmured pushing the jacket off him, Castiel could deal with a broken window breeze, he'd had much worse before.

The hunter only shook his head. "You need it more than me," Castiel didn't object though as he was tired and tried to let sleep come. Dean stared down at the raven-haired man a small smile made way across his lips. 

Castiel just couldn't sleep.

"Dean," The blue eyes man suddenly stated. "W-Will the monsters kill us?" Castiel was scared... Scared at what Dean had said-Scared at what he had just seen. 

Everything had finally sunk in… Dean knew it would.

He believed his friend... Because he saw it- Her black eyes. "Cas," He sighed. "I shouldn't have even told you just go back to being normal," 

Castiel shooked his head fast. "I want to-" 

"NO!" Dean exclaimed raising his voice. 

The raven-haired man recoiled from his friend in fear a tear rolling down his face. His life had already fallen apart what did he have to lose?

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