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The older Winchester began to pray that his own father wouldn't notice them... And to his surprise, he didn't. "Thank the lords," He mumbled with a sigh of relief. 

His father had gotten his coffee and left... It was almost to perfect-

"Dean, what is he doing back?" The raven-haired man questioned confused, his head tilted to the side in that cute and adorable way his friend almost forgot what he was going to say. 

"I don't know... But he won't ever lay a hand on you again- or Sam," The blonde man shot up from his chair, tossing money on the table, startling the blue-eyed man.

"What's going on-"

"Sam... We must get to Sammy!" The green-eyed man was freaking out about his little brother, oh god his father could turn the moose against him, take Sam away- or worse... Hit him... Again. 

Being the big brother that he is the leather-jacketed man could never let that happen. Hell, he didn't even care about the date anymore, as long as Sam and Castiel were ok... He would be fine. If only Dean knew that the moose was in trouble. 

"Wait, Dean!" Castiel exclaimed grabbing his friend by the arm pulling him back to face him. 

They were close, chest to chest barely an inch apart... Dean looked at the blue-eyed man as he stared up at him. People in the restaurant were staring, and their stomachs need for food long forgotten. 

"I'm coming to," The trench-coated man explains, glancing away.

Dean gave a small smile as they made way out the door, only to hear the Impalas engine roar to life, and watch as it drove away. Baby had just been stolen.

"Son of a bitch!" The older Winchester yelled kicking a pebble. "He stole my... Baby," 

"It's going to be ok Dean," The raven-haired man tried to comfort. "We can walk,"

So that's what they did starting their way down the street. "What a hell of a first date," The blonde mumbled running a hand through his thick locks of golden hair, he went to go do it again but then a hand grabbed his. 

It was Castiel's hand. 

The blue-eyed man had interlocked their fingers with ease, this was his way of repaying Dean for all the good that he had done for him. "It's ok Dean..." He tried yet again comforting his friend who seemed was always there to comfort him. "There was nothing that you could have done," 

The green-eyed man nodded as his green pupils slowly began to fill with tears... A single man tear rolled down his cheek. The raven-haired man wrapped his arms around Dean in a hug causing them to stop in their tracks. 

Five minutes later after much needed comfort, they made way up the front walk to the daycare. The brother burst into the building demanding for Sam Winchester. 

"I'm sorry but his father came to get him minutes-" but he didn't listen running out the door, Castiel having to apologize for his actions... As if they were a married couple.

"Fuck!" Dean yelled as his friend came running out after him. 

The older Winchester began to slowly break down... Sam was his everything, besides Castiel of course. Sam and Castiel were the only reasons he was still living. They were something to fight for. 

"We gotta get to my house," He murmured looking up into the blue eyes that mesmerized him every time. 

"How will we get there Dean you live on the other side of town!" His friend explained now knocking some sense into him.

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