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"What the hell?" He mumbled gazing around the dark park.

Castiel didn't know his feelings... But what he did know was that he was gay- and there was no changing it. Castiel sighed shoving his cold hands into his pocket there was no denying the fact that night would turn out to be the longest.

"Cas? Why are you wet?" Dean asked the next morning as they walked down the hall together.

"The rain," The suit-wearing man whispered everything of his was soaked... He couldn't live like this- He needed a job.

"But that was last night," Dean explained confused.

Castiel didn't explain though as the bell rang and he made his way to class not wanting Dean to know about his situation.

"Hello Novak," Nick grinned causing Castiel to cringe at his last name... This caused the raven-haired man to get the courage to finally answer back.

"What do you want?" He asked finally making eye contact his shocked bully.

"Castiel... I want you to leave the school," Nick smirked Castiel's courage quickly dropping.

"N-No," He stuttered trying to get to his seat.

"That's ok," Nick smilled. "After class, we can solve this,"

This made the hour slow as the blue eyed man tapped his foot out of nervousness.

"Well, we're done for the day," Mr. Todd his fourth-hour teacher stated. "You may have some free time," The raven-haired man gulped glaring at Nick who was talking to his friends.

Relief flooded his body.

They didn't bother him though, no... They ignored him. When the bell and Castiel left fast trying to get from them, seeing Dean waiting for him with a sorrow face.

"The football team-" He breathed. "They're planning a prank!"

"What?" Castiel asked confused.

"On-" Before the leather jacket bearing man could get out his final words they were surrounding them.

"Look what we have here," Nick smilled. "The freak and his friend,"

"W-What?" The blue-eyed man squeaked looking down.

"Do you hear something Cas because I don't?" The blonde suddenly stated cutting them all off shocking the blue eyed man as his leather jacket arm made way around him.

"N-No I don't either," Cas stutters smiling with a blush.

"We knew it all along... That you were a little bitch!" And before anyone could react Nick began to punch Castiel over and over again until he finally managed to punch back for the first time ever as the older Winchester managed to pull him off.

Sure Dean was the more intimidating one but Castiel was the one who secretly was a badass… Unlike Dean who was nothing but a teddy bear the raven haired man began to learn.

"Cas!" The green eyed man exclaimed helping up the bloodied man. "Oh god," Looking down at the poor mans face none of Nicks friends dared doing anything as the bully held his bloodied nose.

"This isn't over!" Nick yelled through fury.

"It is you son of a bitch" And that was when Dean walked away with his "Boyfriend" Who was in his side glasses in hand. Castiel was the only reason Dean didn't lunge at them for more… After all he could handle them like a bunch of demons.

"I can't see," Castiel murmured squinting at Dean.

"It's alright... I've got you Cas," The trench coat bearing man nodded as they made way to the impala, which John thankfully let his son use.

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