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"I've got you Cas,"

Castiel liked men... If his parents ever found out he didn't want to think about what would happen.

Mr. And Mrs. Novak. The perfect parents to the perfect family, well at least that's what everyone thought.

The young Raven haired man didn't know it then but they would find his notebook... Aka his man diary and all hell would break loose.

Cas knew after that he could take all the mean words his loved ones threw at him... As long as he could be himself, life could get better– No it had to, and that was when...

The beatings began.

"Y–You're what?" Mrs. Novak asked in disbelief.

"Well, I–"

"He's– A discrimination... He's not normal," Mr. Novak yelled not caring how loud he was. 

"They're is nothing I-I can do," Cas stated calmly. 

"Bull shit!" Exclaimed his father. "And until you learn you're lesson I'll- I'll-" And that was when the young man woke up from the nightmare that was actually his life.

"I-I should have left you in that fire!" Deans father yelled in anger. "Maybe then the demon wouldn't have gotten away!" 

"I'm sorry si-" His green-eyed son mumbled in shame. 

The yellow-eyed demon had gotten away it was Dean's fault. 

"No, you're not!" John yelled... He was fuming and that was how Dean walked in in his and Sams shared bedroom with a black eye. 

"Bean," Sammy squeeked getting his older brothers attention. "Diwd d-dad do dat?" 


"Will hwe do it two me?" The six-year-old boy asked in fear. 

"No, god no- I won't let that happen," Dean comforted putting his arms around the small (for now) human. 

"Bean I don't want to mowve again," Sammy cried into his more older brothers shoulder. 

"Sam, I don't want to either but there is nothing we can do," Dean explains chuckling at his nickname. 

After a few moments, the young blonde looked own only to find his younger brother asleep in his arms. It was a sight that he never wanted to leave his eyes.  It was the person he never wanted to leave his arms, well for now... One person. 

The older Winchester went to go put Sammy in his bed but he wouldn't let go of his death grip. 

"Don't leawve me," He mumbles keeping his eyes closed. 

"Ok I won't," Whispered Dean back with that the green eyes man climbed into the bed laying on his back having the little monster he called his brother curled up on his chest... Making sure the blanket was tightly around them both. 

The Winchesters then fell into a deep sleep, Dean's dreams being horrified by none other than his father more importantly of the yellow-eyed demon and what plans he had for not just him but the whole world. 


"Castiel Novak I hope you've learned your lesson!" Mrs. Novak boomed barging in his room. 

"I uh-" and that was when she noticed that he was writing in a new "man" diary. 

"I've got you CAS, "Where stories live. Discover now