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Hunters pov

(That's right chirrens, we got an over protective brothers point of view up in here!)

I do not know what exactly happened last night, I was out there, looking for my mate, thinking I would never find her. I smelt the most amazing scent ever and so, I followed it. By now it was 2 in the morning but who cares.

I saw a pup running around without anyone there. She wasn't exactly a pup but she was young. She looked 14 maybe 15. The smell was amazing and I walked up to her.

She came up to about my elbow but then again... I was a fucking giant.

She began to sniff around, and I knew she was my mate.

For a mate to be found, one of them has to be of the age 16 so they can smell the other. My mates scent was weak because of her age, but my scent was strong, she just couldn't smell it that well because she hasn't shifted yet.

She looked at me with wide eyes before bowing her head to. I am not the Beta to the pack, but I am in the Beta family so people will call me a Beta.

"Hello Beta Hunter." she choked out as she looked at the ground.

"What's your name?" I asked her. I could tell she had Delta blood, maybe the Deltas daughter.

"My names Emily..." she spoke a bit sheepishly, but I knew she was just a bit nervous. To be honest, I didn't agree with how she was clothed. She had a high waisted white skirt on and a white, sort of belly top... Like... Please no! This is my mate! Mine! No one else should see this.

A growl escaped my lips and I saw her quickly cross her arms

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A growl escaped my lips and I saw her quickly cross her arms... Trying to cover herself.

I pulled her into my chest and looked around.

"What are you doing out here at this time?" I asked her as I put my head on top of hers.

"I was at a party..." she muffled out.

As soon as she said that, I smelt her pretty much all over. If I can smell one dude on her, I will whoop his ass.

She was lucky that all I could smell was sweat and a bunch of human girls. Wait... human?

"Why the hell do you smell like humans?" I asked her. She nuzzled my chest.

"I was at a human party with some friends..  C'mon I gotta get home. Ill see you tomorrow at school." she said and was about to walk off until I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"I don't got to school, I'm five years older than you." she gasped and I gotta say... The age difference isn't as bad as some mates. Some have an age gap of 15 years... Some times I wonder what the moon goddess is doing, but I know she has her reasons.

"I'll meet you at yours, and don't say I don't know where you live because I can track your scent." with that said, she ran off.

My goodness!

I just met my mate!

I ran home ecstatic wanting to sleep because I was so excited for tomorrow, to see her again.

But damn, she is so young... I'm gonna have to hold back for two years before I even think about marking her. I'm just glad I won't have to deal with here heat until she is 16.

Thank goddess for that.

When I got back, I heard wheeping...

Why in hells name is someone up at 5 in the morning and why the hell are they crying?

I followed the noise, and what I saw almost broke me. That's it, I'm gonna commit a murder.

My baby sister was curled into a ball on the floor, crying her eyes out. Ooohhhh, a murder will be committed!

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?..." I asked her, my smile now gone. I was pissed.

"I fucked up, and Xavier left, again." she sobbed into my chest.

"What happened?..." I asked her. She told me the whole thing. How she gave him Oliver's clothes and didn't think much of it, how he questioned her, how she pretty much told him she loved him and him storming out.

Ok, he could have handled this better but like, c'mon, she shouldn't have been so dumb.

I hugged her as she sobbed until I had to go. I needed some sleep.

I told her I loved her and it would all be ok. He crumpled back to the floor when I let go, but I had to go.

I will be killing someone later. Just not now.

I ran to my room and dived into my bed. Im so excited for tomorrow.


So thats what happened last night. I wonder how Evvy is doing...

I hopped onto my feet and walked to her room.

I smelt Xaviers scent... What the actual fuck is he doing here.

I walked in and saw her cuddled into Xaviers chest.

"OH HELL NO" I screeched as I looked at them. Evvy flinched so far away from Xavier she fell off the bed.

Ooohhhh I hope she can explain this!

Ooohhhh I hope she can explain this!

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So, Hunter...

What did you think?

Also, Giraffesandpizza is Emily so yeah... You'll be seeing more of her!



ok, bye chirrens

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