Running Wild

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Evvys pov

I loved being in my wolf form. I loved letting River take over and just running free. Its fun and free flowing. In the human world, not every one can live that life.

I took in all the magnificent scents around me and focused on the nature and the beauty of it.

I had already been out here for about two hours and so I decided to head back to where I stashed my clothes. As I was on my way, I stayed in my trance. Just taking in the woodland smell and the sun setting in the red and orange sky.

Me being the idiot that I was though, didn't pay attention to River when she started shouting out a word. I just let her take full control as I dozed into the image of the sky. I wasn't paying attention until I felt a tounge slide across the side of my face.

I snapped myself to the source and almost immediately relaxed. Xaviers deep, black wolf stood in front of me.

I knew that Spike had control as I tried my hardest to take control back from River.

'River, you either give me control back now, or, I do the mean thing, and cut you out for the next two weeks!' I demanded to her in my Beta tone. I knew that had no effect on her... Which was rather unfortunate.

She immediately gave me control knowing that I wasn't joking. I knew she hated being blocked out from me, and i used it to my advantage. Of course, I would never think that without blocking her first.

I quickly pulled back from Spike and began to walk in the opposite direction of where I stashed my clothes. If he follows, that way, I'll just be throwing him off where I actually need to go.

And of course, Xavier followed. I could tell he was now in control just from how his wolf was acting. He probably threatened his wolf aswell.

I just kept walking in the opposite direction of the clothes until I reached his border. I knew that if I crossed it, I was agreeing to spend time with him and talk to him... All that Jazz.

I made a U-turn really fast and began to run to my clothes. Hoping that now, he would just hop his border and go home. Unfortunately, like I have said before, LIFE HATES ME!

So I ran as fast as I could, obviously being faster than some of the other she-wolf's out there, seen as I have Beta blood.

I was tackled onto a grassy plane and I felt teeth sink into my neck. I let River take over knowing, she would handle the pain better than me. I felt licking on the wound and sparks erupted through out my body.

I pushed Xavier off me, as soon as I had knowledge as to what he was doing.

This bastard just marked my wolf form. Oh HELL NO!

I stood up with a pain throbbing through my right shoulder. Yeah... My body is rejecting it. Fuck this hurts.

I lowered myself to the ground and growled menacingly at him. Any other pup, I would have killed by now.

He just stood there whimpering, I know he hates being disrespected, and he has that control and force in human form.

But him and his wolf refuse to hurt me, even if I am disrespecting him and on the verge of challenging him.

I sorta limped/ ran away. My shoulder wouldn't stop throbbing and I could feel the heat getting to much.

I reached my clothes, and shifted behind the tree. I pulled on the shorts, running shoes and tank top.

I ran to the pack hospital with my wolf whimpering in my head and my entire body throbbing like her shoulder was. I mind linked my dad, to let him know where I was and where to come visit.

(A/N By the way... Just to clear up any confusion, Chase is home and fine. The cure for the venom worked and all.)

'Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!' I yelled through our link.
'What? What is it?' he rushed out, concerned.
'Its too bad... Just get to the pack hospital... I'll meet you there' after that, I didn't wait for his answer and I just focused on getting myself there.

I finally reached there after five minutes and surprise surprise. I collapsed right in the lobby. The last thing I remember before being pulled into darkness was the shadows of doctors looming over me.

Mitches' pov (surprise! Evvys' dad)

I immediately stood up from behind my desk and ran to the Alphas office. Once I reached I knocked and thankfully he answered.

Out of breath from the stairs, I said really fast. "I need to get to the pack hospital, my daughter!" he said that I could be excused and that he hopes she us ok. He was like an uncle to her, so even though, he couldn't leave work to come with me. He wanted to see to make sure she was ok.

I ran straight to my Mercedes and zoomed off to the pack hospital. Once I reached there, I ran straight to the desk.

"Where's Evvy Summers?" I asked the receptionist.
"And who are you to her?" she asked not looking up from the computer.

Rude bitch.

"Look up and maybe you'll see." I growled out. The receptionist quickly looked up and began to apologise over and over.

"Listen bitch," I said cutting her off. "Where is my daughter?" I used my Beta tone on her and she was spilling out I formation in seconds.

"Well she just collapsed in here and I think they moved her to ward 408 as a forced mark... Try room 36 because they wouldn't put her with anyone else at this precise moment.

I nodded and said my thanks to her, before running to the elevators and hopping into one. I went straight to floor 4 and marched through the windy corridors to room 36.

And there lay my princess. On the bed. Unconscious.


I feel like one of them is being forced 😂😂

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I feel like one of them is being forced 😂😂

I hope you enjoyed this chapter my chirrens and


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