You've Gotta Come

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First of all chirrens, what's up with the 3k reads!? I'm proud of you guys, as you help me more than I help you! I hope to see more comments on this book and votes and reads, like I have been! I just wanted to thank you all!

Also, to stop any confusion, Evvys pov will be where she is in the hospital and deciding to accept him just so you know why and what happened.

Evvy's pov

All I could see was darkness and a pain throbbed in my head. My wolf had taken over and from what I could tell, she was trying to heal me. I could hear her countless whimpers and howls in pain as she tried to heal us.

That's when I felt it, the throbbing up my shoulder and neck.

'What the hell happened?' I asked River curiously.
'He marked me without consent and your rejecting it. I'm trying to help but you could help me too.' she replied, but her voice sounded weak and strangled.

I was scared I would lose her. Its one of the most terrible things that can happen to a werewolf. They can lose their mate and die slowly from depression, which is the worst possible thing that could happen.

And then second is that your wolf dies and you can no longer shift. You become even weaker than a normal human and get exiled from the pack that you class as your home. Your loved ones become disgusted with you and your mate, if you haven't already found them, becomes mateless and can never tell you are their mate. And if you have found your mate, they will reject you, and move on. Depending on how strong you are, you could die from the mate rejection.

'Can you stop thinking such depressing crap and help me figure out a way to help you... I'm weakening.' once River said that I began to panic. Which obviously didn't help the situation.

'Seen as your this stupid, I'll help you out. Were you going to eventually accept Xavier and Spike?' she asked, getting straight to the point.

'Yes, but not now. Also, you have to accept Spike first.' I spoke firmly. I am not backing down on this one.

'Oh my goodness, can you think of the situation right now. You were going to accept him any way, so I don't see why not now. I have accepted Spike, but because your being so stubborn, your not letting me get it all the way through. If you accept both of them now, this can be over with. I'll give you till nine to decide.'
And with that said, she went back to focusing on pain.

I was trying my hardest to pry my eyes open, I needed to see what time it is. They felt so heavy and I just couldn't seem to get them open.

After a while of trying, I finally managed to pry them apart.

Light flooded into my vision and everything hurt.

I managed to sit up and call for a nurse. A nurse appeared and immediately buzzered for my Doctor to come.

In walked a tall man in a white coat. He looked posh but a bit dopey at the same time.

He held a clip board and a pen as he looked over me.

"Hi, I'm doctor Kento and can you please tell me how your feeling?" he said as he looked me over, and smiled at me.

"Errrmm, I've been better." I said, forcing a weak smile.
He nodded and jotted some stuff down.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" he asked as he held 4 fingers up at me.
"4" I replied, as I set my head back against the head board.

"Good, good. Now this is gonna be bright but I'm gonna have to shine this torch in your eyes, ok?" I nodded and he leant in front of me, placing the small torch a few millimeters in front of my eyes.

He reomoved it and nodded whilst jotting some stuff down.

"You seem ok, I'll get you down strong pain killers and you should be out as soon as that heals."

I lied back down and turned over to look at the wall. On there was a clock, it read 8:45 so I only had a few minutes to properly think things over.

I thought things through, and how he was protecting me, and how he was just doing what he thought was best. How he was trying to fix things. It was then I knew what I had to do.

'I accept them River' I spoke certainly to her. She yipped in excitement and got to work on accepting her mark from Spike. One that I would soon bare aswell... But this one from Xavier.

After five minutes of excruciating pain, it all subsided.

It all disappeared.

And I was greatful.

But then I felt a slight wave of pain hit River and she whimpered back.

But then it stopped.

And I was left all tingly.

About ten minutes later, the most amazing smell of my mate hit me like a ton of bricks. Goddess.

And then he appeared by the door. But I was slightly to busy trying to calm River down to take it all in.

 But I was slightly to busy trying to calm River down to take it all in

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OK CHIRRENS! I have a opportunity for you.

You can either comment her private message me with your name and a personality you guys want as a character and I will try my hardest to get you guys in the book! It could be a big or small character! I have done this with doctor Kento who is based off of kento_ablaze so if you guys want a part in this story, you can!

Also, vine of the day chirrens

Oh my God, she is such a snake...


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