"Is that a yes?" She asks and you roll your eyes.

"Of course! I'm starving." A small laugh escapes your lips and she gets up from your bed, you follow suit and find yourself in the kitchen to see everyone gathered around the dining table. They all look at you and you smile at them, Bucky stands up from his spot and walks over to you, he smiles at you and wraps his arms around you, you laughed and returned the gesture.

"I'm so glad you decided to join us." He cups your face with a smile but his eyebrows frowned.

"I am too Buck." You say under your breath and he kisses your forehead. "What are we eating?" You grin up at him and he looks to the table.

"Baked dinner: roast beef, baked potatoes, vegetables and gravy." You walk over to the table and join everyone.

"Mm, yum." You lick your lips and everyone begins to pile food on their plates, you do the same and everyone starts chatting about their day, you listen and just eat your food.

"How are you going with the wedding plans?" Steve asks you and you look up at him with raised brows, you chew on the mouth full of food you just took a bite of and swallow it.

"We've put together a few things but... not a lot." Your eyes drop down to your food and you cut a little bit of potato to eat.

"It's so hard to pick venues." Nat laughs and you slightly smile.

"It really is." Wanda joins in and you look up, they all continue chatting before finishing dinner.

"This was really delicious guys." You grin at everyone and Nat laughs.

"Looks like you're getting better then." She elbows steve who was sitting next to her.

"That's a good thing right?" He raises a brow and you all laugh.

"I'll clean up tonight." Nat offers and Steve coughs.

"I'll help." He gets up from his chair and takes his plate to the sink with Nat following behind holding a few other things.

"Come with me." Bucky whispers into your ear and you look over to him before he gently takes your hand and gets up from the table, you follow him as he walks down to the gym and out the glass doors.

"Where are we going?" You ask him as you walk down to the lake hand in hand.

"Y/N." He says seriously before stopping and holding both your hands in his. "Is everything alright? You were extremely quiet the whole time we were having dinner. It's unusual for you." He raises his brows and you sigh.

"It's hard to explain." You look away but he leans over to get your attention.

"Tell me what's on your mind, doll. I'll always have time to listen to you." He squeezes your hands and you frown when you look back up at him.

"When I called all of you to that meeting, and when I refused to tell you guys about Ugrarath..." you pause when one side of you becomes warmer than the other, it goes away and you continue, "the reason I didn't want to tell you is because I personally did not come to terms with what happened. I continue to lie to myself saying that I don't care about it anymore but I do, I really do Buck, and I don't know how to let it go." Your chest tightens and a sob leaves your lips, he pulls you into a hug and you dig your face into him."

"Hey, hey. It's ok. What is it?" He comforts you and you look up at him.

"When I was younger, around 18 to 20. I was really good friends with someone from Ugrarath." He cups your face and wipes the tear from your cheek.

"Were they just a friend?" He asks and your eyes avert from his with a subtle shake of your head.

"No, he... he was my boyfriend." You say under your breath as you choke on your tears. You look back up to him and he looks at you empathetically. "I-" you shoot your head to your left when a flash of heat strikes the left side of your body, you look closely into the trees but see nothing but the shadows of leaves on tree trunks from the moonlight.

"What is it?" He looks over to where you were looking at and you feel warmth to your right this time.

"We're not alone." You go to pull Bucky back with you when the heat moves again. You make a ball of white energy appear in your hand with the blue sparks flying from it, you stick it in front of you as you carefully lead Bucky down the pathway through the trees and towards the facility. An orange ball of fire passes your face and lands in front of you, you yelp and jump back from being startled, you go to grab Bucky's wrist to teleport but you could only feel air. You turn around to see him being dragged with his mouth covered. "Let him go!" You scream and make a white whip appear, the blue sparks jump from the white and hit the ground creating a small flame before disappearing. The person places two fingers to his temple and he goes limp as his eyes roll back, you scream for him as your blood boils and you feel body heat surrounding you. An orange whip similar to yours wraps around your wrist and burns you from the flames escaping it, you scream in pain before another wraps around your spare wrist and your limps are pulled harshly causing you to scream louder when you can feel the fire on your skin. The person that had Bucky walks towards you, they were dressed in full black with a cloth over their nose down to their neck letting you to only see their eyes; they flickered from the fire and you saw the pools of honey that looked slightly familiar.

They placed their fingers to your temples and your eyes go back in your head when everything goes black. You hear the wind and someone's rhythmic breathing, you open your eyes and look down when you feel someone's arms around you. You turn your head to see Bucky asleep, you look around the room to see you weren't in yours or Bucky's room.

"Bucky." You shake him awake and his breath hitches when he jumps from your shaking of his shoulder.

"Huh?" He says with one eye slightly opened wider than the other from sleepiness. He looks at you then around the room. "Where are we?" He asks and you sit up.

"I don't know."

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now