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Beam's pov

After I arrived at the top.. Lam and max is far behind me because they say they are tired and make me continue the walk. 

it a very beautiful view with many tree but the sun in not come out very and it very quiet. no any sound make me a little scare.

A minute gone but lam and max is nowhere to seen.. 

Later I hear something.. 

ring ring 



someone just call my name and hold arm.

"OMG forth!!!.. You scared me stupid!!"

i breathless and try to calm.

"Hahaha.. Sorry.." he just give me a stupid smile.

"What did you do here.."

i ask him when i calm down.

"To see the sunrise..it will came out in 10 minutes."

he silent for a moment and pull me close to him and hold my hands.

 "Before that... Will you hear me what i going to talk please.."


i try to push him away from me and free my hand.

"No.. Please.. If not I jump from here.. You know I will do it."

"Why so stupid.. It not a joke.."

"Then I will jump now.."

he walk and go the near peak and put his foot at the free land.

"Forth.. Alright.. Talk whatever you walk."

i say it scare if anything happen. forth very really want to do it. he came and face me again.

"Beam.. I'm sorry.. Sorry for my mistake.. Sorry for broke your heart.. Sorry make you sad and cry.. But it not real story whatever you hear..."

"Enough forth.. I'm already forget about it.."

i step behind and give him my back. it hurt when i need to know the truth. it will never change anything. it fate that i need to choose.

""No.. Listen to me first.."

he say and hold my wrist in force.

"I don't want it.. If you want to talk about it and want us be like before . it never happen.. I don't care!! It already over.."


"I don't want to hear anything about it .. You want to jump.. Go ahead.. I don't care."

with force i try to free myself and want to back the camp.

"Beam!!! You always avoid it .. You put blame to me.. I feel guilt for 3 year.. Here I want to explain everything but you avoid it."

"Enough forth.."

i say it while walk.

"Are you scare that the story you hear is not true  and you're wrong all the time.. You can't accept that truth..." forth become angry and it make me stop.

"It's not"

"Then .. Why? you don't want to hear me.."

forth come close to me and pull me close to him again. it a small distance between us. i take a few step back to maintain our distance.

"Forth.. Listen to me.. I'm already forget it.. I was move on.. I forgive you.. Whatever the fact.. You love lam or not.. I don't care.."

"But why? Beam..give me a chance.. I will never broke it.. I'm promise to you."

You're The ReasonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon