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Forth's pov

After 5 hours.. We take a break at a small city to buy some lunch and rest before continue our journey. Beam not wake up.. Phana and kit try to make him wake up but he become gummy and pout don't want to wake up.

"No.. Please.. Just eat without me.."

"But.. It already lunch beam.."

"I eat a heavy breakfast this morning. Don't worry . I will eat some snack if I hungry later."

"Okay then.. Lets go kit.."

When they leave I watch beam.

"I go first . " lam say

Then just me and beam in the bus.

"Beam.. Let eat na.. It will be long day.. Get some energy.." i try to coax him.

I say still at my seat didn't dare close to him

"Leave me alone." he say without open his eyes or remove his sunglasses.

"Then I won't leave you"

'Don't disturb me.. I don't have energy now."

"That why you need to eat.."

"Why you always force me.. Just let me alone.." he become more angry and move to the edge.

"Nope.. I will be here .. Disturb you until we want to eat.."

"Ai'forth!..I'm begging to you right now..just leave me.."

 "Let eat na.. I will company you ."

"Just go with lam.. You don't need me.."

"Beam.. Stop say it naa.. It not like that.. It misunderstanding.. I.."

"Stop it forth.. Leave me please.."


Then he pick his iPod and higher the volume . I can hear the  loud music. This is his way don't want to hear me..


There no way for me talk to him right now..I wake up and leave beam alone.

"Forth.. Here.. I buy you pad Thai and some soup.. How?"

"He just be beam.. Stubborn."

"Hhahah.. Buy him some take out then.."

"Na.. I'm sure he don't want to eat what I buy for him.."

"Try first dude."

I eat slowly and enjoy the view.. The city is just a small but people very enjoy the environment. After 45 minutes we all get ready for continue our journey.. And beam still sleep.. With worry I try to ask phana what wrong with beam .. He look so tired.  it good chance because kit is not came yet.

"Pha... Is that beam okay?"

"Huh? He is fine.. Just tired.."


"Yeah.. We need to finish all  lab activity and report.. Beam do some mistake in lab so report become worst.. He stay up late every day to do the report.. I'm don't know how he be so careless."


"Don't worry.. He going be fine.."

 I put some fruit, snack kimbab and onigiri at the empty seat. I bring it from Bangkok. I always remember him when I see Korean food and it was pack food. So I though maybe beam would like it.

After half an hour  we move.. Beam wake up and open his eyes.. He just shock look at me . clearly he didn't know I sit not far from him from the beginning.. Phana and kit just asleep .. His face is uncomfortable and hold something..

"Are  you hurt?" im panic see him.


"Are you okay.. Talk to me beam..'

"Pee... I want to pee.."

How cute his face right now. Shy plus red cheeks .. 

I bite my inner cheeks to hold my laugh and smile ..

"Just wait here.. I will tell the driver.."

Then I walk to in front to the driver make him stop at near station gas. Everyone asleep and didn't not notice the bus is stop.


I walk near to him.Beam slowly walk up and follow me .

"Lets go.."

"I can go alone.. Not need to accompany me.."

"Okay then.."

He walk to the toilet but i still follow him with a far distance. After make sure he get to the toilet, i go in the shop buy coffee for him and 2 milk chocolate for me..I see he out from the toilet then I offer the coffee to him and he just stare at another drink.. Milk..

"I want that.. No more coffee.. It will make me wake up all the day.."

"Sure.. " I give one. he drink the milk and suck it

"No.. I want two.." he open the second milk and look he is full and he play with the straw and bite.

OMG. i cant remove my eyes from the lips. the wet lips.

He look cute when he clueless and that face . so cute. hold yourself forth.

"Okay.. All for you.. Did you want anything? Maybe something to eat ?"

"I want something warm.."

"Soup maybe?"


"Then what is it ?"

"porridge. it that okay we take time here.?? " he ask me with worry face.

"No.. Its okay i already to the driver and seem the driver want to have cigarette. Let's go get some porridge".

Then we walk a little at some street sales ..

"Owhh.. It look delicious.. I want it .. Fried chicken.. Dried squid.. Let eat in the bus.. Do you want too forth? Make it 2 set then.."

He act just like 3 years ago.. Nothing happen.. No hate.. No harsh word.. No bad attitude.. I miss this moments..


When he want to pay.. He look like hopeless..

"I'm didn't bring any money.."

He pout and make a sad face..

"Oww.. How poor you are.. Ask your daddy to pay it.."

"Auntie!! Daddy?? He .."

"Nah.. Just take it ..she just tease you beam." i pass the money and laugh together with the auntie.

"But.." he pout and cover his cheeks.

"Hahaha.. Sorry na..auntie just tease you. You're cute .. Smile more.."


"Hahaha. Enough beam.. Let's go or they will leave us here.."

Beam excited with the food and eat it while walk to the bus. 

I will make sure this happiness will happen again..


it will be forth.. but beam so heartless.  that is the problem. 

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