After all of the anticipation bottled up inside him, the day ended and another one has began. Once he got dressed, Jungkook ran to the hospital as quickly as possible, desperate to see Angela's current state.

As he ran, from a distance a flower shop has piqued his interest. His pace slowed down as he came close to the shop. He stood in front of the building and smiled. Since he didn't have any gifts for Angela, he decided to stop by the shop and pick up something nice for her.

He pushed open the door and the soft chime of the bell welcomed him along with the refreshing fragrance of the flowers. He was barely inside but he could smell a bunch of different flowers awaiting for him at the back. He started walking around the shop, eyes scanning the variety of flowers as he awaits for that one flower to catch his attention.

Since Angela is very simplistic, Jungkook decided to buy her a single flower instead of a bouquet. Yeah, that was his reason — not because he doubts that his money wasn't enough.

As continues to roam around the shop, he finally found the flower that grabbed his attention, a black rose. Enchanted by the flower, he took a step closer to the vase where the rose was displayed. It was surrounded by other roses — red roses to be specific, making the black rose stood out more.

Instead of looking for more other vibrant colored flowers, he settled with this one. The rose was monochromatic, which isn't really bad. Just because a flower has multiple colors doesn't make them prettier, and a flower with a single color doesn't make it dull either.

However, he was still conflicted. He knew that the black roses were rare, and even seeing it at a local flower shop is already rare in itself but could he really afford this? Jungkook close his eyes tight before letting out a ragged sigh, he finally made up his mind.

He pulls out the black rose from the bunch and holds it out to mesmerize it. A satisfied smile was soon morphed all over his face before he proceeds to the counter.

He stood before the counter as he grabs his wallet from his pocket. He pulls out his payment and hands it over to the old lady behind the counter with a smile. The old lady smiles back as she puts away the money to the cash register. She spoke, "finally, someone bought it," she said in relief. Jungkook's ears perked up at the lady's words. He tosses a brow before giving the old lady a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" He inquires.

"Oh, for some reason; people are not buying this rose, which I wonder why. This thing is pretty rare and handpicked by me." She lets out a chuckle — almost like a sinister chuckle. Jungkook had another gut feeling that this lady was hiding something.

He simply remain silent before giving the old lady a small bow, indicating that he was going to leave. He turns around anxiously and made his way to the door. As he was about to lay his hand on the cold metal knob, the hard rain poured down along with the roaring of the skies. Jungkook sighs and looks down at the rose he had on his hand.

The color of the rose was somehow more vibrant — the blackness of the rose was suspiciously glooming. Jungkook's forehead creased as he squints his eyes, thinking he was crazy for even assuming that the rose was more vibrant and immediately diminished this thought. For some reason, he didn't have a good feeling about anything that's currently happening. The rain, the old ladies words, it was too suspicious

"Why would it suddenly rain? The weather forecast said it would be sunny all day." Jungkook looks back down at the rose and at that moment he was sure it had something to do with this flower. Call him crazy but he was sure about it. He wanted to return the rose, but he already paid for it and it will only make him feel bad.

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