Chapter 3 •Crashing Down•

Start from the beginning


"Niall." I replied shaking his hand.

"So now that we know each other Nate and Dylan will be living in the house now." Eleanor said starring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"We'll take there bags up to the guest room."

I glared at her "I'm no maid."

She glared right back and soon we had a starring contest. I blink "damn it!"

She laughed "I win now go!"

"Fine." I mumbled picking up there bangs of equipment and dragging it up stairs.

"Be carful with that stuff!" Nate yelled.

"Shut up." I yelled back and I heard Dylan start laughing. Me and Dylan might be good friends I thought as I opened the door to the guest bedroom placing the bags down.

"Niall come on where going over the plan!" Eleanor called out.

I rushed back downstairs. "What plan?" I asked. Plain

"The plan to find the blade." Eleanor explained.

Oh! I nodded sitting next to her looking at the maps.

"From my calculations it -" I started to laugh cutting Nate off.

"Is there a problem?" He asked glaring at me.

"Nothing nothing keep going." I said putting my hand over my mouth.

He looked at me one last time before going back to the map "anyway like I was saying to my calculations it-" I laughed more loudly this time holding my stomach.

"Okay what is it!" Nate snapped pushing his glasses back up.

"Who says to my calculations now a days?" I laughed making Dylan laughed "wow bro that's lame." Dylan said.

"Enough and Niall come on behave!" Eleanor hissed.

"What are you a snake?" I laughed. She glared at me before hitting me over the head.

"Ow sorry I won't talk anymore." I mumbled holding my head.

Eleanor smiled "good now Nate continue."

Nate cleared his throat "alright we'll I think it's on top of sand company."

"Whys that?" Dylan asked.

"Because there is a dust statue on the top of the building." He explained pointing on the map to where it is.

"so what you expect us to climb up that building just to see if its there?" I asked.


"Well I'm in." Dylan said

"Same." Eleanor said

I stood up "you can't be serious?"

They all just looked at and I sighed "fine I'm in but if I get killed I'm coming back to haunt you all."

Dylan laughed but of course Nate had to ruin it "actually once your dead no-"

He stopped when he noticing me staring at him. "Anyway let's go." Eleanor spoke graving her car keys as they all got up walking out."

"Yeah let's go kill are selves." I mumbled walking out shutting the door.


"So this is the building?" I asked starring at the skyscraper.

"Yes and I have suction cups here so-" I ignored Nate and went to the front entrance I kicked the lock and opened the door "or we could go up the elevator?" I suggested.

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