"You're tense. You can't be tense, the lines won't come out clean. Relax. Let your instincts take over and guide you." 

Jungkook released a breath and let his tense shoulders fall in the slightest, soothed by Taehyung's warmth and confident words. He focused harder, his head hunching to bend over the petite fruit, breaking only a moment to blow the fringe cascading down his forehead out of his eyes. Taehyung watched over him, smiling warmly, as his heart swelled observing Jungkook taking so quickly to the trade. 

He was a quick learner. 

The hum of the tattoo gun was the only sound resonating around the room, bouncing off the walls and surrounding the two men who were both lost to their own thoughts and concentrations. After a time, Jungkook lifted his head from its bent position, rolling his shoulders back, and sighing in content when they popped releasing more tension. Taehyung, who had stayed rooted in place during the entire process peered around Jungkook to get a look at what he had drawn. 

A star and a moon. 

Not unlike his own, but there was enough separating them so that they weren't identical. Puzzled, Taehyung bunched his eyebrows together, turning to face Jungkook, who was already studying him, trying to gauge his reaction. 

"You drew a star and a moon?" 

"Yes." There was a hint of mischief playing in his voice, one that Taehyung might have noticed had he not been so intent on Jungkook's reasoning for the (almost)duplicate tattoo. 


"Couldn't get you out of my head." A playful wink and Taehyung tinted pink, turning his attention away from the chuckling raven head to study the design more closely. 

He had to admit, it was amazing, especially for Jungkook's first time with a tattoo. There were no flowers on the inside of the star, like Taehyung's, instead there were simpler swirls and zigs and zags, that blended together to create a contrast to Taehyung's own star and moon yet they matched all  the same. They were complete opposites, but they looked well together when Taehyung placed his forearm next to the design to compare. 

"It's not the best I've ever done, but I think it turned out pretty well. Thanks to your guidance, of course." A lopsided grin and Taehyung smiled sheepishly. 

"I'm impressed, Yoongi-hyung needed training for a solid month before Namjoon let him anywhere near customers, but I'd say you're about ready to graduate. You just need to take the final exam." Taehyung spoke, matching Jungkook's playful tone from earlier, feeling the comfortable atmosphere settle over them like a cascading sheet of snow. 

"And what might that be?" 

"Mmm, well maybe a couple more oranges wouldn't hurt. Practice 5 more times before we get to that?" 

"I would, but there's only 3 oranges left. We could use those melons over there." Jungkook pointed a long slender finger to the small mini fridge in the far corner, where two, Honey-dew Melons rested on top. Taehyung smacked his hand. 

"Then I guess you're practicing 3 more times. Don't you dare touch my melons." 


"Damn you, Jungkook." Yoongi grumbled to himself as he crumpled the hand-written note, tossing it into the floor in a huff of exasperation. 

Counter duty. Great. 

Not to get him wrong, Yoongi had no problem with working the counter. He had a problem with the timid customers who hovered outside the shop, wondering if they were making a mistake getting a tattoo, then gaping and staring at Yoongi like a deer caught in headlights when they caught him watching from the inside. He was not cut out for that, his hard-shell didn't crack easily and he offered kindness leniently. Civility for the customers, but not necessarily kindness. 

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now