She turned back to the group and sighed. She was going to do this. Protecting others wasn't in Kai's nature, but what else was she going to do? She was practically dead already. She drew in three deep breaths and launched herself over the wall.

She fired the remaining five shots she had. Three of the five Wraith dropped. She landed in a foreword roll and came up with two knives in her hands. She flipped off two, landing them in the throats of the wraiths she had already shot, ensuring their death. She spun around executing a slightly shaky roundhouse kick to lodge the knife deeper into the throat of the nearest Wraith. Once he dropped she ripped the blade clear and spun to face the other one she had shot.

She miscalculated however, the illness slowed her down more than she realized. She had just finished her rotation when the wraith slammed its fist into the side of her head. She went down hard. She rolled with the movement and her head spun as black spots flickered at the edges of her vision.

It was almost a relief to realize she would go down fighting. She had taken out four and injured a fifth. She hoped between the remaining military men they could handle the rest. Her last act would be one of goodness. No one who had known her in her previous life would ever believe it.

The Wraith grabbed her by her throat with his off hand and slammed her against the wall. The sounds of fighting surrounded them as he leaned in so close she could smell the rotting stench of his breath even through her cowl. His hand grabbed the neck of her jacket and jerked it, slitting the buttons halfway down the front to expose the skin of her neck and upper chest.

"I am told," he growled leaning in. "That your life force will sustain me Ionger -" he lifted his feeding hand poised over her heart. "And be the sweetest I have ever tasted."

"Is that what they tell you?" she asked tightly, fighting to kick free. "I always wondered what made you all dumb enough to keep coming back here," it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe, but she refused to allow him to see fear on her face.

"I win," the wraith whispered.

A gun discharged behind them and the force of the blow threw the wraith into her. The two of them hit the ground with the wraiths prone body pinning Kai to the ground. They were more dense than humans and it's weight was crushing her.

More shots fired around them and when silence fell and authoritative voice called out sharply. "Okay, let's get this thing off of her," the voice sounded far away. The weight of the dead wraith was crushing the breath from her already struggling body.

The body of the wraith shifted and Kai gasped in a deep breath of air. She coughed. Things were hazy again and she was fighting to stay conscious.The men grunted as they rolled the dead wraith off of her. She gasped, rolling onto her stomach as a coughing fit shook her whole body.

Behind her a gun cocked. She rolled over slowly, keeping her hands up where they could see them so they would know she wasn't a threat.

The man standing directly over her with his gun pointing at her chest was a soldier through and through. His dark hair was short and his eyes hard. He lifted his head and looked to his mean. "Set up a perimeter," he barked.

"Schmitt's dead sir," one of his men reported.

"You need to get your men out of here," Kai said through clenched teeth.

"Who are you?" the man barked

"They will be back." She warned. "You and your men should go."

She turned her head so she could keep track of the other men. There were four of them left and everyone was edgy with their hands on their guns. Not a good combination. It didn't look like she would be fighting her way out of this one.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now