Chapter 2

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After I finished my homework I got back on my laptop and pulled up the fan site again. Nothing new was posted but I noticed something a little more about Elijah Jennings. I placed my finger on the mouse pad and scrolled down the page a bit more. That was when I noticed something big. Okay, it really wasn’t that big but to me as his fan it was. I was really getting excited over nothing to be quite honest with you because on his fan site all it said was that there was going to be a big announcement coming tomorrow. Why does it have to be for tomorrow and not today? I was beginning to wonder what that big announcement could be. I scrolled down to a few of the top comments where people were trying to guess what this big announcement was.

“Sophia, dinner is ready!” My mother shouted down from the kitchen.

“I’ll be down there in a bit!” I told her before continuing to scroll through the comments. Most of them were saying that maybe he was doing another big photo shoot or some kind of meet and greet for his band. Of course I was hoping for the meet and greet. It’s been a good amount of time since Eli has done one and I was praying that it would be something to where I could actually get the chance to go there and meet him. I’ve only been dreaming of this for ages.

“Sophia, we’re waiting on you!” My mother called up again. I sighed and exited out of the fan site before walking down stairs and sitting down at the table with my parents and my little brother, who surprisingly is more annoying than Brandon Rivera is.

“I’m coming!” I shouted back to her as I closed down my laptop and hurried down the stairs and sat down at my usual spot at the dinner table. We kind of had this routine going in our family that once we sat one place we just stayed there. It would be weird if we just tried to change it up.

My mother sat across me with my dad on the other side of her and my brother (Hunter) sat next to me. I always wished that he chose to sit where my mom was seated. That way he was as far away from me as possible. Instead I was stuck with him being closer to me and you’d think that he’d learn to stay on his own side of the table but that was where you’re wrong. The boy didn’t seem to be aware of the difference in his space and my space. He was always invading my space actually. It’s one of the many reasons why I don’t write in a diary. I know for a fact that Hunter would just go into my room while I’m not there, find the diary and read it and laugh about how I tend to fan girl over Eli. I don’t really have a crush at school since everyone there pretty much hates my guts. Thankfully Hunter can’t ruin that for me.

“It’s about time you came down for dinner.” My dad told me.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him, “I was busy with homework.”

Okay, so I know I shouldn’t have told him that because I was on the fan site but I did do homework before then so it wasn’t exactly a lie. He looked at me and I couldn’t tell he didn’t believe me but decided not to argue on the subject more. We took a hold of each other’s hands and prayed over our food before we ate. I looked down at what we were having and it was the simple hamburger helper and mashed potatoes, which I didn’t mind because it wasn’t like it was a bad meal or anything. The only thing I hated about eating with my family is that my parents would always ask Hunter and I what happened at school today and of course every day I would just say nothing really. I didn’t hang out with anyone and I didn’t have any friends to go hang out with so that’s why my room was my top priority. Well, technically Eli was my top priority.  I just had to keep up with everything that was going on with him.

“So what happened at school today anything new other than just interesting?” My mother asked Hunter and I.

“I got asked to a party but I turned it down.” I told her.

“You got asked to a party? Who would want you there?” Hunter asked as he took some mash potatoes on his fork.

“You got me.  I’m sure this whole thing was just a prank anyway.” I shrugged before getting pelted in the face with mashed potatoes by Hunter.

“Why you little-.” I started off before taking the front of shirt in my hands and pulling him close to me. But before I could do anything more my parents told us to stop and I rolled my eyes again before letting him go and wiping the mashed potatoes off my face. My parents just seemed to let the little runt get away with anything.

“Will you two cut it out and try to be civil at the table for once?” My dad asked while glaring at the both of us.

“Hey, I’ve tried! Hunter was the one who started it. He threw food at me and you still are blind and think he’s the goody two shoes of the family!” I yelled before taking my plate and starting up the stairs.

“Where do you think you’re going?” My mom asked.

“I’m going to my room. I don’t want to be down here anymore.” I said as I hurried up the stairs and slammed my door behind me.

So, maybe I shouldn’t have done what I just did but I was mad. Hunter is thirteen now and he still gets to do anything he wants just because he’s the baby. I would have hit him if I could, but no I’d get grounded for that and yet he can throw food at me? Yeah, because that seems completely fair. Nice parenting mom and dad! Setting a real good example! I set my plate down on my desk and turned on the television so that maybe I could find something good to watch. Surprisingly, there was. An episode of Switched at Birth was on right now. I began eating while watching the show, I was pretty behind on the new episodes but I knew I could easily catch myself up on what was going on.

Before I could even get started on the episode I heard footsteps coming up the steps and I hoped that it wasn’t my parents. Unfortunately, my hopes were twisted around because in walked my mom. She leaned against the door way and looked down at me.

“That was no way to speak to us at the dinner table, you know that right?” she asked.

“Maybe not but you let Hunter get away with just about anything! Come on mom anyone in the world could notice that. You didn’t exactly tell him that he shouldn’t throw food at me now did you? You got onto to us both when in reality it was all him who started all that down there!”

“We don’t let him get away with everything.”

“Yes you do! Every time he does something wrong you blow it off like it’s nothing. He’s never been grounded a day in his life because you and dad spoil him when I’m the one always getting blamed for things.”

“You know that’s not true!”

“But it is true mom open your eyes! I’m the oldest child, yet half the time I still go unnoticed by you two! I get enough of that at school.” I screamed at her before I stood and up and walked over to my computer and turned it on.

“But you said someone invited you to a party. Maybe you should go and see what it’s all about.” My mom suggested.

“No. There’s no way I’m going to Riley’s party. She’d just humiliate me if I went. I’m staying here and you can’t make me go.”

“You might make some friends if you go there.”

“People at school dislike me mom. I don’t need them.”

“You’re going to the party and that’s final. Honestly, I don’t understand why a teenager would turn up a chance to go to a party anyway.”

“I’m not like the other kids! I just want to be here in my room.”

“Too bad you’re going.” My mom told me before taking my finished plate of food and walking out the door.

I sighed. I didn’t know why my mom was making me go to this stupid party that I don’t even want to be at. I pulled my laptop back up and turned it on. Of course I went back to Eli’s fan site. Something was indeed posted since the time I had been off.

@elijahofficial: don’t forget about the big announcement that will be tomorrow at four!

@sophiadaniels: @elijahoffical thank goodness I’ll be out of school to see your announcement! I can’t wait!

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