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One year later

      I smiled as I held my high school diploma on stage. Cameras from parents flashed at the students every which way causing my head to turn this way and that.

      It had been a successful end to my junior year, and an even better senior year. School seemed to fly by so quickly - it was as if I hadn't had time to truly enjoy high school.

      However I was extremely exited to start school at Harvard where I'd decided to become a prosecutor.

      I glanced to my left and made direct eye contact with Aiden. He smiled and waved.

      Once the families were done snapping photos of our graduating class, we were allowed to throw our caps into the air. I tossed the cap as high as I could and attempted to catch it. However, it seemed as if I'd overthrown the cap and lost it.

      "Dang it," I huffed, shuffling on the stage to search for the cap.

      I was pulled abruptly back by an arm, and as I was about to shove the person off, a pair of lips made their way onto my forehead.

      "Looking for something?" Aiden whispered, holding out my cap.

      I laughed and grabbed the hat.

      "Thanks. So we finally made it, huh?" I said, feeling a rush of excitement course through me.

      "Yeah. We did. But I'm still pissed off at the fact that we're going to schools in different states," he replied sadly.

      Aiden was headed to UC Berkeley to study business. No, not in the same way as his father - he was going to create a business revolving around classic cars. And although his father wanted him to pursue some-what of a different career, I think he was secretly happy he was following I his footsteps.

      "Well, you know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder," I replied, placing my hand over his own heart.

      "I don't need it to grow fonder. I'm happy the way it is," he pouted.

      "We've already planned it out, Aiden. We come back home and visit for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'll fly over to Berkeley during summer. We'll be okay," I said.

      Aiden smiled.

      "I know. We've lasted since we were little kids. I know we'll last another four years. Besides, you can't get rid of me that easily!" He said.

      I rolled my eyes.

      "Yeah. I know."

      "Carter! Aiden! Let's take a picture!" My mom yelled, snapping several shots of us.

      I blinked from the blinding lights and held onto Aiden's hand. Soon enough, Aiden's family arrived and took pictures of us as well.

      And how did our families react when we told them we were together, you ask?

      Let's just say that they were happier than Aiden and I put together. My mom claimed she knew we would end up from the beginning as well as Aiden's mom. My dad wasn't too happy - he's never really gotten over the fact that Aiden was a retired player. However, he put up with him for me and placed a smile on his face. He knew Aiden wasn't going anywhere.

      "My baby is all grown up!" My mom sighed, running up the stage and hugging me tightly.

      I hugged her back.

      "I'll miss you mom. But you know, I'll be coming back almost every holiday. Besides, I'm sure you're sick of me by now," I smiled.

      "You? Never! I'm going to miss you everyday you're not with us," she gushed.

      "I'll be okay mom. And you will too," I replied.

      She took in a deep breath and nodded, tears forming in her eyes.

      "I know, I know."

      She quickly ran off the stage and walked off with my dad and Aiden's parents, leaving Aiden and I standing on the stage.

      "So this is the end of high school. Can't say it wasn't some of my worst years, but I can say it was some of my best too. I'm going to miss you so much, Cart," Aiden sighed, wrapping me up in a bear hug.

      "I'll miss you too. Remember to call me at least three times a week, okay? And we'll Skype call each other once a week," I reminded.

      "And I'm going to look forward to each and every one of those calls so I can hear your voice. I love you so much, Carter. And don't you dare go off and find another guy at Harvard," he joked.

      I could tell he wasn't fully joking, though, and sensed a slight amount of fear in him.

      "Me find another guy? How could I? It's always been you, Aiden. And it's only going to be you. I pinky promise," I said, holding out my pinky finger.

      Aiden grinned and linked his pinky with mine.

      "Forever and always?" He asked.

      "Forever and always," I whispered.

      Aiden grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me.

      "We made it," he said quietly.

      "We made it!" He screamed into the crowd.

      Everyone cheered and once again threw their caps, not caring the slightest bit where it wound up. And through all the chaos, the screaming, the laughing, I realized just how strange my relationship with Aiden was.

      We had been best friends for the longest time without letting our feelings get in the way. And then suddenly, things just...changed. We dated, and things were better than they had ever been.

      And I wouldn't have changed anything for my life.

"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

-Bruce Lee

(A/N) And there you have it. The end. Fin. Epilogue to the story I've been working on for nearly a year. Time flies by, eh? I just want to take time to thank each and every one of you for sticking through this. You all deserve the best.

You guys should stick around ONE more time for my author's note - I'm going to make it worth your while. TWO books will be coming out. And one I shall give the summary out. So stay a short while longer, will you? :)

You know what to do -



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