Chapter 12: Connor- the Real Hannah Montana

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Chapter dedicated to @innocent9146. Follow her right now! Thanks for your commenting and support!  :D

Chapter 12: Connor- the Real Hannah Montana

      "So I heard you're going out with Connor after school?" Katie asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

      I groaned.

      "It's nothing like that, Katie. We're just friends!" I said, shaking my head.

      "Uh-huh. Sure. Anyway, what are you two going to be doing on your date?" She asked, poking my arm.

      I flicked her away.

      "Nothing! It's not a date! Besides, I'm not sure I'd want to go out with a guy dressed as a woman," I said exasperatedly, throwing my hands in the air.

      "That's what they ALL say," She muttered.

      "Look, Katherine. I'm pretty sure I still like Aiden. I mean....Connor's really nice and all, but I just can't seem to get my mind off of Aiden," I replied.

      "Aha!" She yelled, drawing attention from a few bystanders.

      "What?" I asked.

      "You said you're 'pretty sure' you still like Aiden. Not 'am sure.'" She said, smirking.


      "So! That means you're starting to not like him as much as you used to!" She said, prancing around me.

      "You're drawing a crowd," I sighed, pulling her to an empty bench.

      "So? This is a milestone in your life! You've loved that boy since- since ever!" She squealed.

      "I still like him," I shrugged.

      She raised an eyebrow.

      "Why do I doubt that?" She asked.

      "I dunno. Maybe because you've got this crazy idea in your head that I like Connor?" I suggested.

      "Ah, that's right! Now back to Connor! I think you two would be absolutely adorable, don't you agree? Plus, he's really HOT," She said, fanning herself.

      I laughed at her silly behavior.

      "Okay, Miss Matchmaker. I think it's time to summer down. Even if I DID like Conner, he'd never go for someone like me. He's hot and I'm....not," I replied.

      Katie rolled her eyes.

      "Would you stop thinking so low of yourself? You're stunning! Obviously you're beautiful, otherwise Connor would not be showing interest!" She said.

      "Uh, what if he likes my personality? Doesn't that count more than looks?" I asked.

      She scoffed.

      "Let's be real, honey. No one judges people on their personality anymore. It's the looks guys first notice."

      "Huh. No wonder Aiden doesn't like me," I said, tapping my chin.

      Katie smacked my arm.

      "Ow! What was that for?!" I whined, rubbing my sore spot.

      "For bringing up Aiden again!" She replied, walking off.

      "Ugh, why do I hang out with you? You're so abusive," I muttered.

      "Because you love me? And I'm your bestest friend?" She replied, throwing me a grin.

      "You're lucky both of those things are true," I smiled.

      "I know!"

      Katie grinned, skipping off.

      "Ugh, wait up!" I whined, attempting to run after her.

      She only laughed in reply, as I chased my very strange yet enthusiastic friend down the hall.


      "No, no, no!" Connor said, walking away from me.

      I grabbed his arm.

      "Come on Connor! We had a deal!" I pleaded, tugging on his sleeve.

      "I refuse to stick that dress on me! It looks tight and short and-"

      "It'll hug your curves in all the right places!" I teased.

      He grumbled.

      "Not helping the situation here. I still don't want to stick that thing on me," He said, again walking away.

      I pulled him back.

      "Connor Wright! You are about to break a bet. And you know what happens then?" I asked, placing a hand on my hip.

      "You'll give me a hug?"

      "No. I'll punch the living daylights out of you," I replied.

      He smirked.

      "Last I checked there ARE no living daylights in me."

      "Oh, shut up! Please put on the dress?" I asked, holding it out to him.

      He shook his head.

      "Pretty, pretty please?" I asked again.

      He shook his head.

      "Pretty please with sprinkles on top?" I asked.

      "Yeah, because sprinkles on top make EVERYTHING better," He said sarcastically.

      I shrugged.

      "They kinda do."

      "You think that artificial crap tastes good?" He asked disgustedly.

      "No, but I love the vibrant colors! Anyway, we had a bet. A bet you shamefully lost. So, in the dress you go!" I said.

      He sighed.

      "Okay, okay. Fine," He muttered, snatching the dress from my hands.

      "The bathroom is over there," I stated, pointing to the corner of my bedroom.

      "I think I'm capable of finding a restroom."

      "You sure about that?" I asked.

      He made a face at me before retreating into the bathroom.

      I grinned to myself as I searched for other various feminine items. I gathered some old make-up, a necklace, high heels, and a pretty white sun hat.

      "I look like shit," Connor grimaced, stepping out of the bathroom.

      Upon seeing him I doubled over in laughter.

      "You! Dress! Big! Oh my God!!"

      I rolled over on the floor, tears springing from my eyes. Connor really was a sight to see.

      I mean, who wouldn't laugh at a 6 ft. tall guy wearing an itty bitty floral dress?

      "Ha ha. So funny. Now let's get out of here and get my humiliation over with," He said, walking to my door.

      "Not so fast, slick. We've still got make-up, shoes, and accessories!" I squealed, pulling him towards my bed.

      I sat him down and grabbed the items I'd taken, sprawling them down in front of me. 

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