Chapter 20: Toilet Paper Streamers

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Chapter 20: Toilet Paper Streamers

      "I'm pissed off, Katie. Extremely pissed off," I ranted, shoving my face into one of her pillows.

      She sat down beside me.

      "Carter? Can I tell you something?" She asked timidly.

      I brought my face out from the pillow.

      "What is it?" I questioned.

      Katie was only quiet when she did something wrong.

      "I knew that Aiden read your diary," She breathed out.

      I shot up from her bed.

      "What?!" I screamed.

      Why did everyone seem so set on keeping secrets from me?!

      "I'm sorry. I really am. I just wanted Aiden to tell you himself. It wouldn't have been fair to either of you," She replied.

      I groaned.

      "I hate that you're right."

      "So you're not mad?" She asked.

      I shook my head.

      "How can I be? You were just looking out for me."

      Katie smiled.

      "Good. Now turn your frown upside down, and get ready for formal!" She squealed, pulling me up from her bed.

      "Is it bad that I don't want to go?" I asked.

      Katie froze in her spot with her mouth agape.

      "You're kidding, right?! Winter formal is magical! With the white decorations, and pretty dresses. Formal is so....amazing," She said, sighing.

      "Katie, why aren't you going?" I asked.

      She glanced at me.

      "I wasn't asked."


      "Are you serious? Katie, you're twice as gorgeous as I am," I said.

      She shrugged.

      "It's okay. I don't mind."

      I snapped my fingers in her face.

      "Come to formal with Connor and I," I said.

      Katie scrunched up her nose.

      "And be a third wheel? No thanks. And besides, I don't have a dress."

      "But you wouldn't be a third wheel. Connor and I are going as friends. You're my friend too. We'd just go as a group. As for a dress, I KNOW you have plenty of them," I responded easily.

      Katie gave me a skeptical look.

      "How am I supposed to know for sure that you won't ditch me for Connor?"

      "Just trust me. Friends forever and ever, right?" I asked, holding out my pinky.

      Katie grinned, and looped her pinky around mine.

      "Friends forever and ever."

      "Okay. Then it's settled. You need to pick out a dress, and then we can get ready," I declared, pulling her up.

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