Chapter 32: Exploring Old McDonald's Farm

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Chapter dedicated to @noshbosh!! Thank you so much for your enthusiastic comments and support! Everyone should go follow her and read her story ASAP!!! :)

Chapter 32: Exploring Old McDonald's Farm

Carter's P.O.V:

      "Guess what?" Aiden asked, as I swung my legs over his chair.

      "What?" I replied.

      "Guess," he said.

      "You're pregnant?" I suggested.

      He rolled his eyes.

      "No, but close."

      "You got someone pregnant?" I asked.

      "What is it with you and pregnancies? Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked, getting up in my face.

      I slapped my hands against his cheeks lightly as he stumbled back.

      "Nope. Now will you just tell me already?" I asked.

      "It's something to do with Katie and Darren," he replied, smiling evilly.

      I raised an eyebrow.

      "Really? What is it?" I asked.

      Aiden smirked.


      "No way! You better tell me!" I said, jumping onto his back.

      "Only if you stop attacking me like a mad woman!" He replied.

      I slowly slid off of him and punched his shoulder.

      "Are you going to tell me now?" I asked.

      "Depends. You just attacked me, and now I really don't know how I feel," he replied, shrugging.

      "Aiden Miller, you better tell me or I'll-"

      "Or you'll what?" He challenged.

      I looked around his room before spotting a picture of him and I in third grade. He hand an arm wrapped around me and I was pretending to choke him.

      I was quite the charmer back in the day.

      "Or I'll rip this photo in half," I said, grabbing the old picture.

      Aiden's mouth opened.

      "You wouldn't!"

      "I would!" I replied, tightly grasping the picture.

     " it."

       I stared at the picture and bent it slightly. Just as I was about to rip it - I stopped.

      "I can't," I groaned, placing his picture back in its place.

      He smiled, ruffling my hair up.

      "You're cute," he said.

      "Yeah, yeah. Are you ready to tell me what's up now?" I questioned curiously.

      He grinned widely.

      "Darren and Katie are hooking up."

      I stared at him with a stone hard look.

      "What?" I asked.

      "You heard me.....they're sort of together," he said.

      "You're totally lying," I said.

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