Chapter 31: How to Know that You're in Love

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Chapter 31: How to Know that You're in Love

Carter's P.O.V:

      "You're seriously going to make me do this?" I asked, holding the unicorn mask in my hand.

      Connor nodded, patting my back.

      "Yep. You lost, which means you get to run down the street," he replied.

      "But....I got sick, remember? I don't deserve to do this," I pouted.

      "I can make you run down the street naked instead," he offered.

      "And I'm putting the mask on!" I said, quickly placing it on my head.

      The mask was a full-head covering unicorn with eye slits you could barely see out of.

       "I can't breathe!" I yelled, placing a hand on the wall. I used the wall to guide me toward the front door.

      "You're breathing just fine if you can talk!" Connor replied, opening the front door for me.

      "If I die while doing this, I want you to know that you caused it!" I said, squinting to get a good look at the street.

      "Don't be so dramatic! Come on. You're going to go sprinting down the street and around the block once. It can't be that bad!" He reassured.

      "Says the one who doesn't have to run in a hot unicorn mask....."

      "Whatever. Remember that time we went to the mall and I was forced to dress up like Hannah Montana?! Think of this like payback, but not as bad," he said.

      The Hannah Montana thing was pretty awful.....

      "Fine! Send me off," I huffed.

      "On the count of three! One.....two.....three!" He yelled, as I shot off.

      "I LOVE CONNOR WRIGHT!" I screamed.

      "I LOVE CONNOR WRIGHT!" I yelled again, rounding the corner.

      The unicorn mask muffled my voice a bit, so I'm sure I sounded more like "I love chocolate lice!"

      As I neared the end of my escapade, I was met by the sound of a clunking car. Only one car made that noise.

      "Aiden?" I asked, as he drove beside me.

      "Uh. Who are you?" He questioned.

      Oh right. The mask.....

      I took it off, revealing my face.

      "Oh. Hi Carter," He said.

      "Uh.....hi," I replied awkwardly.

      I mean, what are you supposed to say when you got into an argument with your best friend a few days ago? "Oh yeah Aiden we should totally hang out right now!"

      How about no.

      "You need a ride or something?" He asked.

      I shook my head.

      " house is right around the corner...."

      "And I'm assuming Connor's over?" He questioned.

      I only nodded.

      "I see. Later, Cart. Have fun," he said, driving off.

      I knew he'd be pissed off. However, I couldn't control how I felt. He would just have to suck it up and be a big boy.

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