Chapter 22: Basically Stalking

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Chapter dedicated to: RainbowsmilesYOLO!! Thank you so much for your lovely comments! I love seeing what you have to say. Thank you also for reading. You're my motivation. xx

Chapter 22: Basically Stalking

      "Why was school even invented?" Katie asked, hitching her backpack higher.

      "I guess so we wouldn't all be lazy bums with no income," I replied.

      She glared at me.

      "I didn't ask for your well-thought out response," She said.

      "True, but that's what you got," I said, shrugging.

      "Okay, all things aside, I need you to explain to me exactly what went down between you and Connor. I want full details," She demanded.

      "Nothing major happened. Connor took me home, he walked me up to my door, and I kissed him. I have to get going now, bye!" I said, running off.

      Katie caught up to me easily.

      "Not so fast. You said what now?!" She screeched.

      Unsurprisingly, people looked over their shoulders to gawk at us.

      "Katie, please. We are in a public place! I don't need your shenanigans," I said, placing a hand over her mouth.

      I felt something wet on my hand.

      "Katie! Why the hell did you lick me?!" I screamed, jumping ten feet in the air.

      "Who's drawing a crowd now?" She smirked, as several people stopped to watch us.

      "Oh, come on. You've never seen someone get licked before?" I snapped, shooing them off.

      They threw me weird looks before shuffling away.

      "The human race is really something," I muttered, walking on to my next class.

      I felt a tug pull me back.

      "I told you I have to get to class! If you lick or delay me again I will slaughter you," I seethed.

      Turning around, I realized Katie was long gone. Connor stood behind me, a smile spread across his lips.

      "So who's been licking you?" He asked.

      I rolled my eyes.

      "Good-bye," I said.

      He once again pulled me back, so our chests were touching.

      "I don't even get a good-bye kiss?" He asked, his eyes flickering to my lips.

      I shook my head.

      "Look, I've got advanced trigonometry and I can't be dilly-dallying around-"

      I was cut off my Connor giving me a quick kiss.

      "Bye," He said calmly, walking off.

      I stood there in a trance, staring hazily at Connor's retreating figure.

      He kissed me!

      I mean, he's already kissed me, but this time it was a we're-dating-now kind of kiss.

      I felt a buzz of happiness surge through me as I skipped my way to trig, suddenly very happy.


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