Chapter 25: Meeting the Parents

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Chapter 25: Meeting the Parents

      "Wait, what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

      "My parents want to meet you......tonight," Connor said again.

      "Didn't they want to yesterday?" I questioned.

      "Yes, but you know how we got wrapped up in the whole.....lizard thing," he replied, his face flushing.

      I laughed.

      "I think it was sort of cute how you ran around like a chicken with its head cut off," I said, pinching his cheeks.

      Connor swatted me away.

      "I wouldn't say anything, Miss Awkward Eighth Grade Photo," he retaliated.

      "Oh, come on! That was a low blow! Besides, you wouldn't have known about the stupid picture if Aiden hadn't showed you," I pointed out.

      "True, but he did show me. Anyway, it wasn't even half as bad as you made it sound," Connor said.

      "Yeah, you wouldn't be saying that if it was you who was mortified in public," I muttered.

      "Moving on from the picture and lizard topic, what do you think? Would you like to meet my parents?" He questioned.

      "Do you want me to?"

      Connor looked at me thoughtfully.

      "I think so. Yes," he confirmed.

      "Then meet your parents I will! What time?" I asked.

      "Six. I'll come pick you up if you'd like," he offered.

      "I live across the street, silly. I'll walk over myself," I replied, tapping his nose.

      "Well, you know the world is a dangerous place, right?" Connor asked, his face going dead serious.

      "Only if you make it," I replied, as Connor inched closer.

      His face was centimeters away as I felt his cool breath fan over my face.

      "You're so naïve, Kit-Kat," he teased, pecking my cheek.

      "Am not!"

      "Are too."

      "Am not."

      "Are too."

      "Okay, name when I've been naïve," I challenged, propping my elbows on my table.

      "That time at the party. You were so eager to come into my house. What if I was a murderer?!" He asked.

      I blushed.

      "You're right. I shouldn't have come into your house. Maybe I could have avoided going out with you," I laughed.

      "I'm going to make you regret that statement," Connor said menacingly.

      "Oh really? And what's lizard-boy going to do about it?" I questioned.

      Connor gave me a blank stare before picking me straight up and tossing me over his back.

      "Put me down!" I demanded, as Connor carried me outside.

      "Why? I'm loving the view," he replied.

      I felt my face heating up as I knew he had a clear view of my butt.

      "Yeah? Well I'm hating mine," I retorted.

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