The Wedding

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I wake up and hear maids walking into my room.

"Mi'lady, We are here to help you get ready for your wedding."

I slowly rise up off of my bed and look at the maids.

"I see, but it's so early?"

"It's actually almost nine Mi'lady"

"I see" I stand up and the maids quickly start getting things ready for me. I look at the dress as they bring it towards me.


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{I look up at the sun shining in the window and I see my uniform hanging up. I stand up and put it on I pull my hair back into a ponytail. I take one last look in the mirror before leaving my room and walking down the halls to make a few last minute checks.}

I look out my window and caught a glimpse of Izana on his way to Zen's room. I can't believe today is our wedding day. The maids leave and I walk over to the mirror. I look down at my dress and I let a sigh. Then I go out to see if I can find any food to eat.

"Goodmorning Megan,"

"Good morning Shurayuki, How are you?"

"I'm fine, A little nervous."

"That's to be expected since your getting married."

"Oh, Shurayuki I can't believe that I'm getting married."

"Will you and Izana go to live in his castle?"

"We haven't talked about it but I would think so."

"I will miss you in the castle."

"And I you,"

"It's almost time for my wedding."

"I better go get dressed, I will see you later."

"Yes, you will."


"Shurayuki, Thank you for doing this."

"It's my pleasure." Shurayuki is putting a few flowers in my hair.

"It's time Megan."

"Yes, it is."

I walk out to the door and stand to wait. Music starts playing and Shurayuki walks out, I peak through the door and see Izana standing at the end looking majestic. I smile and pick up my bouquet of flowers. I walk out and see guest's stand, I see people looking at me and I slowly walk towards Izana. Izana stands under a cover of white roses. Izana looks at me and smiles.

{I watch as Megan walks towards me. He looks amazing. Her long dress is flowing out behind her. There are cherry blossoms in her hair. She reaches me and I step down and take her hand. We walk over to the stand.}

"King Izana and Princess Megan, We stand here with you togeather as witnesses of this marriage. Does anyone object to this marriage? Then Princess Megan please say your vows"

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now