Be Mine?

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{I reach out and pull Megan close to my body. It's now or never Izana. Stop being such a coward.}

"Megan, there is something that I have been meaning to talk to you about."

I feel Izana tighten his grip on my tighten. I hold onto his cloak and try to stop shivering.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"We should head back to the castle and then I will tell you." { stand up and pull Megan up with my.}

Izana pulls me to my feet as I just stand there. The next thing I know Izana talks my hand and kneels down in the snow.

{I take her hand and kneel down. I reach into my pocket and pull out a little box.}

"Megan Lilly Avacanta, I know that we are engaged to be married. But I think that I should ask you this myself. I love you from the bottom of my heart. If you will do me the honour and Become my wife. Now I can't promise you that life will be easy. Or that I will always be able to spend as much time with you as I would always want to. I also know that I may be an intolerable man sometimes but I truly love you from the bottom of my heart. So please become my wife."

"Izana, I do love you and I do want to marry you!" { quickly stand up and grab Megan around her waist and lift her in the air. I look up at her laughing face,}

Izana picks me up and starts to spin in circles. I have my arms on his shoulders as I look down at his face. I bring my knees to his chest. We start to laugh at how childish we are being. Izana slowly lowers me down. I slid down along his body untell our faces are right in front of each other. He leans in and gently kisses me on the lips. I try to put my feet down but Izana is still holding me off the ground. I Smile into the kiss. This kiss is so different from any others we have had. this kiss is full of love and passion. all the feelings that we want to say to each other all flooded into one kiss. We break apart and Izana sets me back on the ground. I look up at him and he pulls me into a warm hug.

{After I set her down I pull her into a hug. I then push her away and take her hand. I put the ring onto her hand.}

"I wanted to ask you on Christmas day but I think today was better, Don't you?"

"Izana, Thank you. You are truly the best thing that has happened to me!"

"And you me,"

"I hate to do this to you but..."

"But what? Don't be hesitant. You can tell me anything. Don't be afraid to ask me."

"Will you help me?"

"Help you with what my love?"

"I need to face my father,"

"And I will help you. I can not do the taking for you but I will stand by your side and provide you with support."

"thank you." { I grab her hand and we walk back to the castle.}

We arrive at the castle and we head to the drawing room. Izana looks at me and I see his face, He gives me a nod. We enter the room and I see my brother and my sister sitting beside my father. beside him sits his fiance.

"Father, could I speak with you?"

"Well of course. What is it?"

"My dear siblings, could you give us a minute?"

"But I want to stay!"

"We will go, Come my brother."

"Thank you, Tiffany."

after they leave I look at my father. What am I going to say?

"What is it you want to talk about Meg?"

{I tighten my grip on her hand as if to tell her that I will stay with her every step.}

"Father, I'm sorry that I haven't been very kind to you lately. Truth be told I was unsure when you told me that you were remarrying. I'm sorry Miss Avila, My actions where harsh. I'm sorry."

"You apology is accepted. Izana could you take Avila on a tour of the castle. I wish to speak with my daughter along."

{I look at Megan as she nods her head. I let go of her hand and offer that hand to The lady Avila.}

"As you wish."

"Now my daughter. There is something that you need?"

"I'm proud of you. You have grown so much. And to see that you have taken your responsibility that you will marry the prince. It makes me proud."

"Father, I do not marry the Prince because of duty. I marry because of love."

"You lie! You told me you would never love the prince."

"But then I got to know him and I fell in love with him."

"Now you lie to me, I thought you have changed. I thought you were actually obeying me. But I see that I was wrong. I should take you back to my castle and send you back to school so you can learn what a proper princess should act like! Your new stepmother will teach you everything you need to know!"

"No Father, I will not leave this castle. Izana loves me and I love him."

"No, arguing. You will leave with me tonight. That is an order. If you do not come willingly I will have the guards escort you."

"Fine then I guess you need to take me by force." With that, I walk out and slam the door. I take off running down the halls. I see Izana's door and I run to it and open it. I close it behind me and throw myself onto his bed.

"Prince Izana, Megan has run away from me."

"I will go look for her."

"Oh and Izana, I take her home with me tonight."

"What do you mean you take her home? This is her home!"

"She is not ready to marry you. I'm sorry."

{I leave the king and walk down the halls looking for Megan.}

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now