Lost & Mended

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{I feel a hard knock on my head and then I close my eyes, Concise.}

[I hear men starting to shout, I sit up and reach for my sword. I rush out of the tent. I see bandits rushing into the camp. Mitsahida and Kiki step beside me. we rush out to fight. I look around for my brother and don't see him. I am fighting the best I can. I look over to my brother's tent and see him step out. As he steps out someone hits him on the head. I quickly rush to help when they start to drag him away.]

" NO! BROTHER! Mitsahida, Kiki! HElP ME." 

" Milady!"

I wake up to a maid calling my name. I sit up and call for her to come in.

" What is it?" 

" Milady! a letter just arrived it is urgent!"

" What is it! It is late!"

the maid's hands me a letter. I start to read.

Dear Megan,

I have bad news for. We were attacked and Izana was kidnapped. we are doing everything we can to get him back. I hope this news does not disturb you too much. Izana is a strong man he will fight tell we rescue him. I ask you to send me three thousand yen as Ransome money.


"WHAT! no no no this can't be happening! WHY!" I put my head done and start to think. How could this have happened! Why?

"Milady are you alright?"

"NO IM NOT!" I watch as the maid shrinks away at the sound of my voice.

"I'm sorry Alice. I didn't mean to. You're dismissed, tell the guard to saddle my horse I go to Zen."

"Yes, Ma'am."

I get up and get dressed.  I get ready to leave. I look back at the letter, I can't believe this has happened! I grab my clock and exit the door. I get onto my horse and start to ride to where Zen is.

"Mitsahida, Kiki we need to figure out where they would have taken him."

"But why did you tell Megan to send ransom money."

"Because that will be our discretion."

"Zen can I speak with you?"

"What is it Kiki?"

"I know you're worried about Izana, but I promise we will find him. And until then he will be fine."

"I know but never has anything like this happened before."

"Zen, we will find him. Try to get some sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow."

" Alright, goodnight Kiki." [ With that I walk over to my tent. As I'm on the way I see a white letter on the ground in front of Izanas tent. I walk over and pick it up. I open it and read it. this is a letter to Megan. He must have been working on it before he was taken. I walk back to my tent. I open it and walk over to my bed. I lay down and fall asleep.]

{ I open my eyes and see pick black. my eyes adjust to the dime light and I look around. I look down at my hand and see that I'm cuffed in chains. I look over and see a small light. coming from a window up in the top of the wall. I sigh and start to try to figure out how to get out off her.}

I ride into camp and see Kiki speaking with Obi. Obi see's me first. He looks at Kiki and she turns around. she looks shocked to see me. they both come over to greet me.

"Megan! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help."

"I don't think Zen will like this."

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now