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5 years later

I'm now 18 years old. My father and I are on our way to meet prince Izana.

Meg I have to tell you something!

What is it father?

I don't want to to worry or be scared or run away but your engaged to prince Izana.

IM WHAT!?!?!?! How when why!!! what!?

It happened when you were younger! He asked if he could have you as his bride when you came of age! I never told you cause I know how angry you'd be!

Father how could you when did he ask!,

Five years ago! Before you run off just meet the man he is very kind and gentle!

kind hah I dont think so he gave me this scar on my leg! Fine I'll meet him but not willingly!

Later that day....

   Princess Meg which colour would you prefer?

  This one

Oh you look lovely princess!!

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Oh you look lovely princess!!

Thank you miss! You are dismissed tell my father I'll be there  soon!

As you wish princess!

  I can't believe this I'm about to meet the man I have to marry, maybe I should run? No father would be heart broken his dreams crushed!

Knock knock Meg?

Coming father.... well what do you think?

Beautiful just gorgeous!

Thank you father!

Ready to meet the prince?

No but I guess let's get this over with!

That's my girl!

Right through here your highness!

Ah prince Izana! So glad to see you!

I walk into a very beautiful room filled with flowers, and right in the middle is the prince with his arms behind his back. He is Tall and slender, with beautfull blonde hair, his  blue eyes meet mine as he, He strolls towards us. and my father steps up to meet him, the prince bows and says it's a pleasure to meet you, he sticks his hand out expecting me to take it. I'm the moment I forget what's happened and as response to a hand coming at me I slap the prince in the face...

MEG! How dare you. Your highness I'm so sorry for my daughters behavior.

When the realization of what I did hits me I grab my dress and run. Not caring to were just anywhere so my father won't kill me!

Your highness I'm so sorry I don't know what she was thinking...

Haha well I see that Princess Meg hasn't changed in five years, she is still unfettered! How splendid looks like this should be fun!

Worry not king Richard I bet she was just scared. We'll get the Guards to look for her!

A few hours later....

Prince Izana we haven't found her the only place left to look is in your chambers...

What have I done? I slapped the prince and then ran of  to were I have no clue. I've never been in this castle and now I'm lost. Father will kill me when he finds me! 
Right now I'm sitting on the floor in a dark room!  No one will mind if I sit on that bed after all what more can they do I'll probably be punished anyway!

I'll go in and look wait here!

Of course your highness!

I jump when i hear the door open and who do you think it would be but the prince himself! Couldn't it be my father!

Your highness!

Princess Meg glad to see that your alright!

How did you find me?

Well perhaps because this is my castle or the fact that as your hiding place you chose my room. Why don't you pick which one you like the best!

I'll go now!

I tell the prince I'll go now and start to walk towards the door ! As I reach the door prince Izana steps in front of me and quickly locks the door and says

You really think I'll let you off that easy? After all you slapped me and ran away

What are you doing stop!

I tell him to stop as he starts walking towards me I back up! But every three steps I take he takes 4! I all of a sudden fall on to the bed and Izana quickly comes closer!

Looks like your stuck princess!

L-e-a-v-e m-e alone!

Looks like someone is blushing don't tell me your uncomfortable?

Let me go!
I start to try and push him off but he grabs my hand and leans in close and whispers your cute when your mad!

But I'm bored and tired so go to bed! I have a guard waiting outside the door for you. Good night princess!

Wait that was all a act? Whatever I'm out of here!

And cut 787 words that crazy! Until next time!

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now