The Run Away

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I step outside and there's a boy with green hair he tells my to follow him.
I follow along tell he stops and says this is your room but I wouldn't try to run Prince Izana will be very mad.

Good night

Good night

He told me not to run but why would I listen! I quickly grab a new outfit and change

He told me not to run but why would I listen! I quickly grab a new outfit and change

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i climb out the window and drop to the ground.
Ouch I think I sprained my ankle!

Is someone there?

Crap run! I run out the gate and into the forest! He will never follow me here! But before I know it I'm lost...

PRINCE IZANA princess Meg has run away!

She did now did she? Send out guard search the area!

Yes sir!

What a surprise. I knew I should have had more guards to watch her!

One day later!

Your highness there's no sign of the princess!

Zen you know the forest go look there for me would you?

No lord brother I can't!

And why not?

It wouldn't be right if I found her and brought her back it should be you, it would show her that you make time for her and she isn't just one of your possessions! I will take care of things at the castle tell you return!

I suppose your right. very well then Zen your in charge don't fail me! Guard fetch me a horse will you?

Yes sir!

Meanwhile in the forest

I can't walk anymore my ankle hurt and I mm so hungry I think I'll die soon!
I lay down beside a tree and fall asleep

Well would you look at this I'm looking for herbs and I find a girl. Looks like the princess of Nashua, she doesn't look very good! I guess it's my duty to help her.

Meanwhile with Izana

I have been riding for so long and it's starting to get dark! Hmm a cabin I wonder if they will let me take refuge for the night? It's been raining for 2 hrs now and I'm completely soaked!

Knock knock?

Who's there? Your highness lord Izana

I'm sorry to intrude but could I possibly stay the night?

Of course but I'm afraid that the bed is taking by a young girl who is very sick!

No worries I'll sleep on the floor!

Come in come in! I'll take care of your horse!

Thank yo- MEG

You know the young lady my lord?

Yes she is the girl I'm looking for!

Well I'll take care of your horse and come right back!

There's some food in the saddle bags help your self!

Thank you you highness!

Well Meg looks like I found you. And not a moment to soon be thankful that this man found you!

Time skip to the next morning

What wait were am I? I sit up and look around the room I see a small little shack .I wonder how I got here? WAIT IZANA no I must be dreaming
I stand up and start to run towards the door but because of the cold I collapse!

I wake up and see Meg on the floor more than likely she tried to get away before I woke up and fainted. I pick her up and gently set her on the bed.

A few hours later

I wake up again and look around Izana is gone! I go to get up and what happens Izana walks in carrying two pails of water!

Your awake! How do your feel?

He ask me that like nothing ever happened and we have been best friends for years! Why

My head hurts a little.

Well The old man said you were in pretty bad shape when he found you!

Old man?

Yes without him you'd be dead!

Izana strolls towards the bed and the sits down on the edge.

You won't slap me if I check your fever now will you!

I shake my head no and he gently sets his hand on my forehead! I feel my face start to heat up a little bit. crap what has gotten into me?

Your fever has gone down! How about I make you some soup?


The old man walks in and says I'll make some soup you just sit!

I can help if you promise to stay?

I slowly nod my head saying that I will stay!

To be continued I hope you guys are enjoying!

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now