The plan for Christmas

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As I look over Izana's sleeping face I smile. Its been about a week since Izana was kidnapped. I am so happy to just sit here and see that he is alright. He is so handsome as he sleeps. I look up at the clock as it strikes eleven thirty. It will be lunch time soon. I wonder should I wake him up? I know! I reach my hand out toward him. I gently pull the blanket off him, then I slid my fingers up and down his rib. He jumps up and looks strat at me.

{I feel someone tickle my ribs. I sit up fast and look at Megan sitting there laughing at me. }

"Why you little!" { I reach out and grab her and pull her down on the bed with me}

"What makes you think you have the right to wake up the future king?"

"Well, since the future king will be my husband I think I can wake him up," I say as I feel him tighten his grip and laugh into my neck.

"Very well you can wake me up, but you need to tell me why you have awakened me?"

"It is almost lunchtime. And I know how much you hate missing a meal."

"I see very well then." { I slowly get up and look down at Megan, Her hair is laying across the pillows. Her bright eyes are looking up at me with wonder.}

" Then let us go get some lunch."

"As you wish your highness."

Izana gets up and grabs my hand. He pulls me up and we walk out the door and head to the dining hall. As we walk along hand in hand I see Maids decorating the halls with ornaments.

"Izana, Do you have any Christmas traditions?"

"I don't believe we do."

"Well, we should make some new ones then. After all, Christmas is only a week away." Izana stops and turns to me. he looks me dead in the eyes and smiles as he says.

"I would like that very much."

"Good then we will speak with Zen about it won't we?"

"Yes, we will speak with him at lunch."

We enter the room, and I see Zen talking to Shurayuki. Besides then are Kikii, Mitsaheda. I look over to see Obi standing in the corner.


"Hey Megan, Lord Brother."

"Zen, we had a wonderful idea!"

"And what is that?"

"We should make our own Christmas traditions! Shurayuki, you should help us!"

"Well, that sounds like a good Idea."

"Oh, it will be wonderful! We have one week to prepare. Shurayuki, could I get your help!?"

"I would love to help you, but I will have to speak with the head pharmacist."

"Alright "

"Megan I have some paperwork to do. But we will speak later."

"Alright Izana, If you don't mind could I come by and see you later?"

"Yes, you can."

With that Izana walks out of the room.

"Zen you have to know your brother much longer than I have. I was wondering if you know what I could get him for Christmas?"

"I truly wish I could help but I don't have any Ideas. You see my Brother and I never give gifts."

"Oh, I see. Well, I think that should become our tradition. After all, Christmas is A time for giving"

"Well, then I think we should start giving. But as for a gift you will have to think of something on your own."

"Alright, oh! we should get a Christmas tree! I think it would look lovely in the castle!"

"Oh, your right Megan! that would look lovely."

"Alright, Shurayuki, Zen. I will be off."

"We will talk later. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." With that, I run out of the dining hall and down the halls to the main living room. As I enter I see maids bustling About the room. they all turn to me and bow.

"Oh, no Please don't bow, I'm here to help!"

"Mi'lady that isn't necessary."

"I know but at my home kingdom, we would all help with the decorations for Christmas. And I do wish I can help."

"Mi'lady we would be honoured to have your help."

"please call me Megan. Now show me what I can do and I will do it to the best of my abilities"

"Well, we do need to put up the tinsel. If you would like?"

"I would love to!"

I walk off to help with the tinsel. I work for a few hours when I hear the door open and I look up to see Izana walk in. All the maids quickly bow. I climb down the ladder and stand there smiling.

"So I see you found something to do. I thought you were coming to see me?"

"Oh right! I'm sorry I lost all track of time! I walk up to stand in front of him."

"Well, I guess I'll forgive you. But as a princess, you should maybe try and keep up your appearances." {As I look at her hair covered in tinsel I can't help but smile. I pick a few pieces of tinsel out of her hair. }

"Oh dear! is there tinsel in my hair?"

"Yes, there is."

"I better go clean up before supper"

"Yes, you should,"

"Ladies thank you for letting me help! But it is time I go."

"Mi'lady, it was an honour to have you help us."

Izana grabs my hand and we walk out and down the hall. As we reach the door Izana lets go of my hand and opens the door.

"Well, then I will see you in a while. "

"Yes, you will my prince,"

"My prince! Well, that is a new name. I kinda like that, but I will not be a prince for much longer."

"What do you mean?"

"Well come the new year I have to take the crown as a king."

"WHAT! WHy so soon?"

"Well, actually I have known for quite some time now. Before you get angry I wanted to tell you but I was under order to keep it quite."

"Orders by whom?"

"You will find out soon. But after I take the crown I am to take a wife."

"I see,"

"Well, we will be late if you do not hurry up and get dressed."

"Alright, I'll be out soon."

"Oh and Megan, wear something nice."


a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now