New Day

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The photo above is not mine. If your the owner and want me to give you a shout out or take it down message me :) and that how they woke up :)

I slowly start to wake up, I feel warm arms around me and I smell the most wonderful sent. I look up to see Izana smile down at me!

Good morning princess!

Hmm good morning.

How do you feel?

Better thank you Izana!

Well I would love to stay like this but I have work to do.

Ok, I'll go have a shower.

You can use my private bathroom. I'll get you something to wear!

Ok thank you!
I go into his bathroom and turn on the show. I then get in and realize that I have no shampoo, so I use his. Mmh it smells like him!

Knock knock Meg?


I have some clothes where do you want them?

You can put them on the vanity!

Thank you!

Once I finish my shower I step out and see the dress he brought me...

Once I finish my shower I step out and see the dress he brought me

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I put it on and walk out of the bathroom.

Oh your done!

Yup! How do you like the dress?

Izana walks towards me and pulls me into a hug and says...

It's beautiful! Wait is that my shampoo that I smell!?

Yes I didn't have any of mine in there. Are you mad that I used it?

What of course not! You smell like me now! Why would I be mad?

I don't know.

Well I need to go I still need to check all the paper work Zen did! If you want you can come see me later and I'll show you around the castle!

I would like that!

Before Izana leaves he gently plants a kiss on my forehead and walks away! I feel so tired still. I don't think Izana will mind if I sleep on his bed. I walk over to his bed and pull up a blanket, I slowly drift of the sleep!
When I wake up it's almost 1:00! I'll go see Izana now!

Its been a very stressful morning, I can't stop thinking about Meg. I just want to hold her again! All this paperwork it just seems to add more when I take one away!
Knock knock!

Who's there?


Thank goodness come in!!

As I open the door I see Izana quickly strolling towards me! Before I know it I'm being crushed be a big hug!

Izana yo-ur squishing me! Can't breathe!

Sorry! I just missed you so much!

It's fine! Izana where's my father?

He left to go back to Nashua in case you went home when you ran away!

Oh! Have you told him I'm safe?

Yes is did! Why all these questions? Do you wish to go see him!


Haha very well you can stay!

Izana you said you'd show me around the castle! Will you?

Yes why don't we do that now.

As Izana shows me the castle I can't help but think... how did I ever let someone get this close to me! When did I let my walls go down?


Hun sorry I was thinking!

About what?


Somehow I don't believe you princess!

Nothing important!

Meg! Do you trust me?

Do I trust you? Well ya.

Then why don't you tell me when something is wrong?

.... I guess because I'm not used to letting people into my life! I'm so used to keeping everything locked up from people!
After I say that Izana stops. Turns towards me ask says....

Megan, I what to be the one who you can come to. Who you cant trust with your secrets. I want you to trust me the way i trust you! I know it's hard for you but please try to open up to me more!

Izan-a I do what to open up to you but I'm scared. What if my problems are to much and you st-o-p lo-v-ing me?

Megan, I will never stop loving you! I promise that I will love you no matter what! I will be the one you seek when your hurting! I'll be your guardian. But you need to tell me you trust me!


I'm here Megan,

I- l-o-v-e you!

I love you too!

After I say I love you Izana gently leans over and gives my a soft, sweet kiss.
To be continued...

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora