The Christmas Celebration

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"Tiff!" When I enter My Sister Tiff and Younger Brother Mason run towards me. I look up to see My father sitting at the table and A woman I have never seen before sitting beside my father. My father stands up and walks towards me, I let go of my younger siblings and run to embrace my father.

"Meg, it is wonderful to see you again. How have you been?"

"I have been alright. I can't believe your here. Why are you here?"

"Well Izana invited us to come for Christmas, He said you were missing us."

"He did did he?" I look over to Izana to see him holding in a laugh.

"Oh, and this my lovely daughter is my Fiance."


"I wanted to send you a message but I never could find the words to say. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner but we will be married two months into the new year."

"I can't believe this! A simple I'm getting married would have been better than telling me this."

"Meg I'm sorry."

{ I look at Megan as her face turns to pure anger. She is going to explode at any moment.}

"If I may interrupt. Could I speak with Megan for a minute."

I look over at my father as he nods his head. Izana Takes my hand and drags me out of the room.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting you out of there before you slap him. Or worse. You and I both know what happens when you get angry."

"Your right. thank you for taking me out."

"Are you alright?"

"I don't know,"

{ I reach out and put my arm around her and pull her close to my body. She Rests her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. I kiss her head and she lets out a sigh.}

As I rest my head on Izanas chest as I feel him kiss the top of my head. There are so many thoughts running through my head.

"Izana, Do you think I can skip the rest of breakfast?"

"I don't know, Won't your father be a little hurt?"

"Izana, Please!"

"Alright, I will tell everyone that you are feeling a little under the weather."

"Thank you," {I lean down and give her a small kiss on the lips and Then let her go. I watch as she walks off to her room. Now I regret asking her family to come. I thought it would make her feel better. But it seems as I have only hurt her. I walk back into the room to see her father get up and walk towards me.}

"Where is Meg?"

"She was feeling a bit ill. She went to get some sleep."

"I see, I hope I didn't make her to upset?"

"She will be fine, I assure you she just doesn't feel well. She should be fine later."

"I see well then shall we eat?"

"Yes, we should. { As I walk to my seat at the table I slip past Shurayuki and whisper in her ear.}

"When you get a moment please check on Megan?"

{I go and sit down and see Shurayuki Nod to me.}

As I walk to my room I think about all this. I didn't show a very princess attitude. I enter my room and walk towards my bed. I lay down and close my eyes. What has happened to me!? I never knew that My father would remarry. What about my sister, and my brother? How do they feel about this?

"If you will excuse me I have things to do."

"Shurayuki? Is something wrong?"

"Oh no Zen, I just have a few things I need to do. I will see you later."


(I walk out and head to Megan's room. as I reach Megan's room I see her sister knocking at the door.}

I hear someone knock on my door.

"Come in."

I look up and see my sister walk into my room.

"Hello, sis."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm coming to talk to you."


"Well because you walked out on breakfast."

"I didn't feel well."

"Don't lie to me. I have known you for a long time, and the last time you felt sick was when you took poison and drank it for fun."

"I didn't drink it for fun. I drank it to save you."

"Yes, you did, now what is wrong?"

"Something tells me you already know."

"Yes I do but It will make you feel better if you speak."

"Alright, so I'm unhappy that father is remarrying. But it doesn't sound like I get a say in it."

"Well, that doesn't sound like the sister I know. The sister I know would have wanted our father to be happy."

"I do what him to be happy, but this is all so sudden to me. And on Christmas Eve of all things."

"Why don't you take a walk through the castle grounds? That always seems to clear your head."

"Your right, I think I will. Thank you, Tiffany."

"My pleasure Megan."

I get up and leave the room, I walk down the halls and out of the castle. As I walk around the castle grounds I feel the anger inside of me slowly disappearing. Then I see my father his fiance laughing together. I feel my blood start to boil. I turn on my heels and run through the forest.

{ I look out my window to see Megan running to the forest. I get my cloak and run out of the castle and down the path to the forest. I see Megan tracks in the freshly fallen snow and I run after her and I come to a clearing. I see her sitting in the snow crying softly into her knees. I walk over to her and sit down. I put my hand on her shoulders and pull her closer to me. She snuggles into me and I feel her hands grip onto my cloak she sobs into my shoulder.}

"Megan if we stay out here too long you will catch a cold."

"Izana, Please! Don't make me go back just yet."

"Megan, you never talk about your mother. In fact, I don't think you have ever told me anything about her."

"Why would you want to hear about my mother?"

"Well, maybe it will help me understand why you are so sad."

"She was the kindest person I ever knew. She was beautiful,"

"I can imagine, if she was anything like you then she must have been very beautiful. Tell me more."

"She was always kind, even to the people she hated. Ill words never came out of her mouth. She uses to read to me every night, a story about a girl who would one day become a great queen. she said that the girl followed her heart and it leads her to the man she loved. The story said that the girl had to leave her family to marry a prince from a far away country. She faced many troubles but her mother's words always remained in her mind. 'Take courage, love those you hate and be kind to those who hurt you.'"

"You know what?"


"That story sounds very familiar to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, a princess forced to marry a prince. Everything else"

" I guess so, "

{Reach out and pull Megan close to my body. I feel her shivering, It now or never.}

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now